Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mexican Authorities: Migrants are trying to buy children to cross US border

Herika Martinez/AFP/Getty Images
U.S. authorities have been warning for over a year now that children are being used and trafficked by prospective illegal immigrants in order to gain access to the American interior. Mexican authorities have now backed up those claims.
A story at the Seattle Times on Sunday details how migrants are trying to literally buy kids off of vulnerable single mothers in Tijuana, Mexico, so they can more easily get across the border. That’s because they know that if they cross the border posing as a “family unit,” they have a much higher probability of being released by authorities.
Now, the report explains, authorities in Tijuana are telling mothers to keep an extra-close watch on their children following reports of men trying to purchase kids.
“They want to rob our kids so they can cross into the United States,” 44-year-old migrant mother Antonia Portillo Cruz told the newspaper. “I can’t go to work because I can’t take my eyes off my boys.”
The migrant from Honduras said she personally witnessed men in the shelter where she’s staying asking to buy children, some of them offering the equivalent of $350. A Mexican police spokesman confirmed the reports to the paper and said that federal authorities are investigating the matter.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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