Friday, May 17, 2019

President Trump Unveils Sweeping New Immigration Plan ... Pelosi Declares it DOA

Joshua Roberts/Reuters
President Donald Trump unveiled his new immigration plan Thursday, which will focus on border security and a merit-based legal immigration system.
“Our proposal is pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker,” the president said during an event in the White House Rose Garden. “It’s just common sense.”
To secure the border, Trump’s plan calls for infrastructure, or a wall, at 33 strategic locations, modernized ports of entry, and expediting immigration court proceedings and removal processes. Trump said the plan will also create a self-sustaining “border security trust fund,” generated from funds collected from border crossings.
The president promised that asylum claims will be expedited, stating “if you have a proper claim you will be quickly admitted … If you don’t, you will promptly be returned home,” but he did not offer explicit details as to how he plans to speed up the process.
The administration also hopes to revamp the visa system to reward highly-skilled immigrants, although the plan does not reduce the overall levels of legal immigration to the United States.
More visas will be awarded to immigrants who are younger workers, have valuable skills, have an offer of employment, have an advanced education, and earn higher wages. Applicants will also be required to be financially self-sufficient, speak English, and pass a civics exam. Trump described the new program as an “easy-to-navigate points-based system.”
The new system is called the “Build America Visa.”
Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links below to related stories/opinions:

Pelosi Declares Trump’s Merit-Based Immigration Plan ‘Dead on Arrival’

Trump Unveils Plan for Merit-Based Immigration System

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