Friday, April 12, 2019

Report: Nearly 20 Percent of Inmates in Federal Prisons Are Criminal Aliens

Image courtesy of U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons
According to a new report, criminal aliens currently make up nearly 20 percent of the population in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system -- a total of 34,776.
David Olen Cross, a Salem, Ore., crime and immigration researcher, looked at the number of foreign nationals in the U.S. BOP system based on the most recent federal report. As of March 30, 2019, there were 179,761 inmates incarcerated in federal prisons across the U.S. Their countries of origin, according to the report, are:
> Mexico 21,668 inmates, 12.1 percent;
> Colombia 1,633 inmates, 0.9 percent;
> Dominican Republic 1,425 inmates, 0.8 percent;
> Cuba 1,169 inmates, 0.7 percent;
> Other/unknown countries 8,881 inmates, 4.9 percent;
> United States 144,985 inmates, 80.7 percent;
Cross, who researches and reports on foreign national crime, said in a press release on Sunday, "Combining March 30th BOP criminal alien inmate numbers, there were 34,776 criminal aliens in the BOP prison system," down slightly from June 2018, when there were just over 38,000. Still, alien inmates make up 19.3 percent of the federal prison population.
Cross added that the 21,668 Mexican nationals incarcerated in the BOP prison system comprise "the vast majority of criminal aliens in federal prisons."
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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