Wednesday, April 24, 2019

No Free Ride for Asylum Seekers Who Enter U.S. Illegally: Trump Administration Tries To Rein In An Out-of-Control System

Attorney General William Barr overturned a Bush-era policy by finding that asylum-seekers who enter the United States illegally are no longer eligible for release while their claims are processed.
The move is part of the Trump administration’s effort to reform the nation’s dysfunctional immigration law enforcement system. The new policy, announced April 16 but stayed for 90 days, will almost certainly be challenged in court by left-wingers, like more or less everything President Donald Trump does. The American Civil Liberties Union is already chomping at the bit to fight the policy in the courts.
America’s asylum system is routinely abused by illegal aliens, economic migrants, and people who don’t like living in what the president aptly termed sh*thole countries. In recent years only about one-fifth of asylum applications have been granted.
The system is currently under siege as the U.S. is being swamped by would-be immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Over 1.4 million individuals have been apprehended at the southern border after entering the U.S. illegally. About a half a million of those have been caught in the past year and a half.
“We are currently experiencing a system-wide emergency in our processing and holding facilities,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection Deputy Commissioner Robert E. Perez said last month.
“The humanitarian crisis created by a massive influx of family groups and unaccompanied children in recent months has forced CBP to reallocate resources away from law enforcement, trade and travel missions to process and provide care for those in our custody,” he said.
Read the rest from Matthew Vadum HERE.

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