Saturday, April 27, 2019

News From San FranSHITco: This Nearly Blacked Out Poop Map Says All You Need To Know

Jeff Greenberg/Contributor/Getty Images
The streets of San Francisco have become so infested with human feces that if you were to place onto a map all the recorded cases since 2011, the city would appear to be covered with it from top-to-bottom.
"A new map pinpointing the locations where human feces are reported to have been found in the California city since 2011 shows San Francisco has a staggering problem with the stinky stuff," Fox News reported. "Nearly every city block has had a poop sighting in recent years as the city grapples with homelessness, according to data compiled by Open The Books."
A Guide to SF’s Shittiest Streets
As the map below shows, parts of the city have been deluged with so many reports of human fecal matter in the streets since 2011 that they have been blacked out entirely, as if they were the city's no man's land; the largest area of complaints being on the streets where both Twitter and Uber are headquartered:
So @open_the_books mapped out every report of human feces on the streets of San Francisco since 2011 and uhhhhhh

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) April 22, 2019
"The details of the complaints that the San Francisco Department of Public Works has received are unclear, but data shows the number of sightings has increased dramatically since 2011," Fox News reported. "That year, 5,547 human feces incidents were reported. The number rose to 28,084 in 2018."
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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