Sunday, April 28, 2019

Criminal Alien Rampage: Homicide, Molestation, Drunk Driving

D-Keine/Getty Images
Americans Debbie Burgess and Mark O’Gara were killed this month due to our lack of resolve to secure the border and expeditiously deport other countries’ criminals. In addition, there are many criminal aliens, being allowed to remain in the country way too long, committing rape and child molestation. Sadly, most of these cases will remain unknown to the public.
Father of 10 killed in St. Paul by drunk-driving Central American teen
Mark J. O’Gara, a 52-year-old father of 10 children, was killed on April 3 in St. Paul when he was pulling out of a driveway and was hit by a speeding drunk driver. That driver was Jose O. Vasquez-Guillen, a 19-year-old illegal alien who came here in 2016 from Honduras. No, not all those innocent faces the media shows at the border will be harmless upstanding citizens once they are resettled in this country. Vasquez-Guillen was ordered deported in 2016 by an immigration judge — in absentia, because he failed to show up to his immigration hearing. He was a fugitive until he was arrested by ICE this month.
Once again, this is another case where our broken policies are allowing these individuals to obtain catch-and-release with the hope that they show up for a hearing in front of an immigration judge. Sadly, they often commit deadly crimes after it’s already too late to apprehend them. There are over one million illegal aliens with final deportation orders who remain in the country, including 644,000 from Mexico and Central America. Last month, a Guatemalan teen who was the recipient of catch-and-release killed a beloved mother and schoolteacher in a driving wreck in Mobile, Alabama.
Debbie Burgess killed by illegal immigrant deported nine times
Police in Knoxville, Tennessee, suspect Juan Francisco, an illegal alien with a prior DUI conviction, as the driver behind a hit-and-run that killed Debbie Burgess on April 8. Francisco is still at large. His history goes back as far as 2002, when he was charged with theft, and 2004, when he was charged with reckless driving. According to an ICE official I spoke to, the Juan Francisco they have on record was actually deported nine times, but they will not publicly confirm it until they actually apprehend him and verify his identity.
Just last December, the Knoxville fire chief’s son, Pierce Corcoran, was killed in a hit-and-run by an illegal alien who crossed over the middle of a highway, striking the victim’s vehicle in a head-on collision. The grieving parents have not gotten justice yet from Francisco Franco-Cambrany, a Mexican national, because the perpetrator was deported after it was too late and after he was released on bond. It appears that ICE feared he’d evade justice altogether and remain in our country, so it quickly deported him to Mexico.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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