If there’s one thing we know about Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, it’s that he loves breadlines… and Communists.
While Sanders didn’t quite make it during the 2016 election – arguably because he was robbed of his nomination by the Clinton campaign – Americans who believe in Constitutional rule of law, liberty and everything that makes this country great better wake up, because Sanders raised over $5 million within 24 hours of announcing his candidacy, suggesting that a massive segment of the U.S. population is supportive of what he stands for.
Well, they may think they know what Sanders stands for… The problem, of course, is that hardcore leftists reside in an echo chamber which has, through harassment and violence, shielded itself from any ideas or arguments that sit outside their very close knit, media supported narratives.
As an example, consider the following 1985 interview from Bernie Sanders.
During his State of the Union address President Trump warned Americans of the looming threat of socialism, much to the approval of the right and much to the dismay of the left.
What most forgot to mention is that Bernie isn’t your average everyday American socialist. He’s a straight-up Commie and loves the idea of Communism.
Watch him swoon over Communist leaders in this 1985 video: --->Read the rest from Mac Slavo HERE.
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