Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Open Borders ‘Absolutely’ Risk Terrorism, Says Border Patrol Sector Chief

Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector
The Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector chief told Breitbart Texas his agents apprehended migrants from at least 52 countries, including many from nations with connections to terrorism.
“Do you think there is a terrorism risk because of not only the openness of the border in these areas but also because of the nature of the transnational criminal groups south of here?” Breitbart Texas Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby asked Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Manuel Padilla, Jr. in an exclusive interview. “Absolutely,” Padilla responded.
“There is no way that we can accept the risk of people coming into this country without us knowing who they are,” the sector chief stated. “I can tell you that year-to-date, we have apprehended people from 52 different countries. Some of those are Middle Eastern countries, some of those are countries from Africa. So it’s really people from all over the world and we must know how they’re arriving here, who they are, and ensure that the national security mission is done.”
During the interview, Darby cited a 2012 United Nations report on drugs and crime in Central America and the Caribbean.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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