Monday, October 29, 2018

Border Walls Only Work if Illegal Immigration is…Illegal

Mario Tama/Getty Images
“I will not hesitate to use every legal tool available to challenge these policies in court. … May a thousand litigation flowers bloom.” ~ Karen Tumlin of the National Immigration Law Center.
A border wall can stop a physical invasion, but it can’t stop an invasion of 1,000 lawsuits. Unless we stop the bogus asylum policies and end all cross-border migration in a legal sense, no amount of border security or infrastructure will help. Thankfully, the president appears to understand this.
Full efforts are being made to stop the onslaught of illegal aliens from crossing our Souther Border. People have to apply for asylum in Mexico first, and if they fail to do that, the U.S. will turn them away. The courts are asking the U.S. to do things that are not doable!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2018
The key now is to make sure he pressures his Department of Homeland Security leadership to get on the same page and uses his leverage against leaders in Congress like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to achieve this.
Yesterday, I spoke with Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels, the head of the Arizona Sheriff’s Association, and he was incredulous about the infighting in Washington that is hurting quality of life in the border counties. “We just don’t have the resources our federal partners do to patrol the border; we need them to act now.” He lamented how the waste of resources on processing the invasion rather than deterring it “are creating a huge opportunity for the cartels to smuggle in their more dangerous clients.”
Is it that we are lacking resources and infrastructure on the federal level? Not at all. It’s that we are complaining about the invasion out of one side of our mouth but inviting it in with the other. Dannels pointed out that he’s never seen such a surge in family units coming over the border once we telegraphed the message that “if you come with a kid, you are home free.” Once they are here, there are thousands of pro bono lawyers who can petition lawless lower courts to violate our sovereignty and make it impossible to deport them. Thus, rather than trying to avoid detection by our border agents, the illegal invaders actually seek them out.
Read the rest from Daniel Horowitz HERE.

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