Sunday, September 16, 2018

California DMV Gives Illegal Voters a Surge

“New” and “underrepresented” voters could spell victory for leftist Democrats in November.
Last week California’s Department of Motor Vehicles sent 23,000 “erroneous” voter registrations to the office of Secretary of State Alex Padilla, who maintains the list of registered voters. The DMV blamed it technical errors and said none of the erroneous registrations involved undocumented immigrants. Padilla was “extremely disappointed and deeply frustrated” and the DMV assured him it wouldn’t happen again.
Legitimate voters have good reason to believe Padilla was not disappointed but delighted. The odds are strong that illegals make up most if not all of the newly registered voters. The registrations of illegals will be happening again, in greater numbers, as the November election approaches.
The day after the 23,000 registrations made news, it emerged that from late April to early August, the DMV registered 182,000 “new voters,” with the largest number, 112,000, choosing “no party.” Neither the DMV nor Padilla would explain the numbers but the trend is evident and all by design.
Under a 2015 voter registration law, the DMV automatically registered to vote those who obtain or renew a California driver’s license. As Padilla told the Los Angeles Times, “We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible. We’re going to keep those firewalls in place.” The Democrats’ Secretary of State did not explain how the firewalls worked and if any ineligibles had managed to vote.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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