Thursday, August 23, 2018

Securing the Border Is the Most Humane Policy

Photo: Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters/Newscom
Each month, as many as tens of thousands stream across our southern border from Central American countries without obtaining legal status. Thousands are unaccompanied alien children who have completed a perilous journey before even having reached the Rio Grande.
All Americans can agree that this is a problem. Our immigration system is broken.
From the numbers, we know that America is the most generous country in the world. Through our nation’s legal immigration process, we welcome well over a million immigrants—people who follow the correct immigration process and abide by our laws—into America each year.
Despite this generosity, we have a severe problem with illegal immigration. As we consider the ongoing crisis on our southern border, it is fair to ask how we got to this point.
From recent media coverage, many Americans have criticized President Donald Trump’s pursuit of a “zero tolerance” immigration policy. Yet throughout American history, there is significant evidence that this kind of “enforcement first” policy deters people from attempting dangerous journeys to reach American borders.
Let’s look back at the path that has brought us to today’s crisis.
Read the rest from Rep.Michael C. Burgess HERE.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

utter BS . . . again.
