Thursday, August 9, 2018

Legal Immigrant Explains Why Trump Is Right On Illegal Immigration

Melinda Podor / Getty Images
Neil Gouveia was born in Guyana and immigrated to America with his family when he was just 7 years old.
But his mother had to make a Sophie's choice-like decision before they came — she had to leave one of her children behind.
In a wonderful piece in the New York Post, Gouveia writes about the devastating choice his mother had to make. When she picked up the visas for the family, an immigration official told her she couldn't take her sick child.
“Mrs. Gouveia, we can’t give you the visas,” he told my mom. “You have a sick child. If you brought her to the United States, it would be a huge government expense. And you can’t abandon her.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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