Sunday, March 25, 2018

Give Me Your Dreamers…

Does anyone know why President Trump loves “Dreamers” — i.e.: illegal aliens allegedly brought here before the age of 12 (which no federal judge will ever check) by their parents (which no federal judge will ever check), “through no fault of their own” (which no federal judge will ever check)?
We’ve been lectured by Mark Zuckerberg about how much better “Dreamers” are than you lazy Americans — especially African-Americans, whose jobs are disproportionately taken by illegals. (As former Mexican President Vicente Fox once charmingly put it, illegal immigrants “are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States.”)
So why aren’t we being bombarded with television interviews and profiles of these amazing human beings?
Liberals can’t make an argument without producing a victim. Attack the media — they bleat about journalists getting shot in the face while reporting abroad. Complain about FBI corruption — they choke up over G-men putting their lives on the line EVERY DAY! Denounce the Deep State — they moan that CIA officers have been killed in the line of duty.
Isn’t this the moment for our hearts to be breaking over the millions of wonderful “Dreamers” who will suffer unless we amnesty them immediately?
Read the rest from Ann Coulter HERE.

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