Saturday, September 23, 2017

The September 30 Deadline For Obamacare Repeal Is Fake News

The Senate’s 52 Republicans have multiple options open to keep the Obamacare repeal process alive after September 30. The only question is whether they have the political will to do so.
Over the past several days, congressional leaders in both the House and Senate have claimed that a bill by Sens. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) is “our best, last chance to get repeal and replace done.” They have made such claims because the press keeps “reporting” that Republicans’ “power to pass health care legislation through a party-line vote in the Senate expires on September 30.”
Don’t you believe it. The Senate’s 52 Republicans have multiple options open to keep the Obamacare repeal process alive after September 30. The only question is whether they have the political will to do so.
Option 1: Set a Senate Precedent
Democrats started the misinformation campaign regarding a supposed September 30 “deadline.” Politico reported at the start of the month that “the Senate parliamentarian has ruled that Republicans face a September 30 deadline to kill or overhaul the law with only 50 votes, Democrats on the Senate Budget Committee said.”
That assertion carries one big flaw: The Senate parliamentarian does not “rule.” The Senate as a body does—and that distinction makes a big difference. The procedural question centers around when, and whether, budget reconciliation instructions expire ...
Read the rest from The Federalist HERE and follow links below to related stories/opinions:

Trump Assures GOP Repeal Covers What Dems Want

The Alaska purchase: Graham, Cassidy try to buy Murkowski’s health-care vote with extra goodies

Sources: Graham Wrote Repeal Bill To Cater To Murkowski

How Graham-Cassidy’s Funding Formula Gives Washington Unprecedented Power

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