Sunday, July 9, 2017

MUST READ Thanks, Obama: The U.S. Still Can't Defend Against North Korea Nukes

Missile Defense: North Korea's successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable has everyone talking about missile defense, and the fact that U.S. doesn't seem to have one that could stop a madman like Kim Jong-un. You can blame antimissile defense Democrats for this.
Shortly after the North Korea test, Politico ran an article pointing out that "the Pentagon and its contractors still haven't figured out how to reliably shoot down an intercontinental ballistic missile."
The Missile Defense Agency did in late May destroy a mock ICBM launched from the Marshall Islands with an interceptor launched from the Vandenberg Air Force B Base in California. But the system has failed in previous heavily scripted attempts.
And MDA director Vice Admiral James Syring told a House committee recently that "I would not say we are comfortably ahead of the threat. I would say we are addressing the threat."
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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