Friday, August 5, 2016

Report: Senior Republican Officials ‘Clearly Think It’s a Possibility’ Trump Can Be Replaced (includes video)

On Good Morning America Wednesday, ABC’s Jon Karl reported that senior officials in the GOP are now actively strategizing and having conversations about the process to replace Donald Trump atop the party’s ticket should he drop out.
This, after another disastrous day on the campaign trail for the real estate titan turned politician, who recently said that he would not necessarily be endorsing members of his own party in their upcoming elections.
“Senior officials at the party are actively exploring what would happen if Trump dropped out and replaced him on the ballot,” Karl told GMA’s George Stephanopoulos.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view the interview below:

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Anonymous said...

Trump is "choking like a dog".

The time to replace him was at the convention, and we all begged for it to happen.

But Reince the weasel would hear nothing of it. He's Trump's little lap dog.


Anonymous said...

Time for Romney.
