Conscience Voters Beware
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots
Contentious: subjects that are likely to cause major disagreements
or arguments…and nothing is more contentious than this upcoming presidential
election…on that we can all agree for not only are Republicans and Conservatives at each others
throats but Democrats are at each others throats as well.
And many of us have different reasons for why we are voting
for or not voting for any given presidential candidate. But the one thing we
have in common is right now at this point in time the issues have taken a back
seat to emotions, temperament, and what has become a ‘nasty’ word…conscience.
Our conscience is our ‘inner’ guiding voice…if you will…that
allows us to make good or bad decisions…decisions obviously in our personal
lives but also decisions come election time in how we vote for our leaders.
Voting one’s conscience is usually based upon researching a candidate, knowing
right from wrong, and many times is influenced by one’s religious beliefs or
lack thereof. But voting one’s conscience can also sadly be based upon emotions
like anger alone. And many times a conscience decision come election time becomes
based upon someone realizing that what is good for the collective whole must
take precedence over a decision based upon one’s personal wants or needs.
However, in this election cycle the word ‘conscience’ has
taken on a new meaning with the word ‘traitor’ being bantered about by those who
say the only right way to vote is to vote one’s conscience; as well as by those
who flip the coin and imply that conscience voters are selling out to the ‘other side.’ And then
there’s a special group of conscience voters who so love to mock, slander, and defame any who do not
hold what they, the conscience voters, deem is their correct only version of conservative
And it is to that later group that some have lumped me and my Right
Side Patriots partner Craig Andresen into for one reason and one reason
alone…we both were proud members of #nevertrump during the entirety of the
primary season but have now decided to vote for Donald Trump. And that has come
complete with the ‘T’ word being lobbed at us both by some still #nevertrump with
now added into the mix by some of those #gopexodus, both groups of which say
the consciences of those who don’t agree with them are consciences and votes not
worth having.
First, let’s touch upon the #gopexodus because that is
easier to explain. Simply, some in the Republican party have decided once again that
because their candidate of choice did not get the nomination…and know that neither
Craig nor mine did either…they are saying it’s the party’s fault, the party is
no good, the party is to blame, so it’s time to leave the party. But I say when
something is surely not working…and right now we can all agree the Republican party is
not working as it should…one should try to fix it…bring it back to its core
principals…not run away like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum.
Throughout our nation’s history…and especially within the
Republican party…we patriots have always fought to right wrongs not run away
from a fight or a challenge. But sadly, I believe, that is exactly what these
folks now leaving the party are doing for in their minds it’s better to turn
their backs on their party than to put in the hard work needed to fix what’s
broken…but know it can be fixed with dedication, focused plans of action, and
by working on the grassroots level to find a new and younger generation of candidates who
are America’s future…the next generation of leaders who honor the past but are
who not tied to the ideologies of those whose time to depart the political
stage has been long overdue.
And dare I say that those who run away are, to me, cowards
of sorts…maybe not in the classical sense of a coward in let’s say war, but in
the sense that they are too fearful or impatient to stay and fight a fight that
might just take a generation or more to win. And maybe the ‘old guard’s’ actual
physical demise will be the only thing to set the Republican party right again…I
don’t know…but one thing I do know is that running away is not now nor has it
ever been the answer to a problem or a solution to past bad choices made.
Now as for the conscience voters…voters who I hope are not
of the mindset that God is a politician or that Jesus is on the ballot…many of
whom remain #nevertrump…these folks need to understand that if their
consciences are leading them to vote in a direction guided by their religious
beliefs alone…America as a whole will lose for while America is indeed 'One Nation
under God,' America is not a nation ruled or governed by God but a nation ruled by elected officials and governed by the
And some sadly seem to forget that.
And to those whose consciences feel that Donald Trump is
just Hillary Clinton ‘lite’…let me say that while similarities in certain philosophies
are unmistakable…no one can deny that…there are certain key differences that for
both me and Craig ‘trump’ the similarities…as
in Trump is not a socialist, an islamic-condoner, a murder, or a
traitor…something the ‘Butcher of Benghazi’ most assuredly is…and the reasons
why we personally have now decided to leave the ranks of #nevertrump and cast
our vote for Donald Trump.
But know that voting for someone is not endorsing them nor
is it supporting them in the classical sense, but it is an understanding that a
third party vote or protesting by not voting is not only a vote cast for
Hillary but is a vote for Obama's third term in office as well.
Let me explain.
For starters, while many Democrats themselves view Hillary in
a negative light because of not only her ponderous for lying but for her being
part of what many refer to as the ‘Washington global elites’…a group of rich
politicians and leaders of countries that don’t like us very much who strive
for and whose strings are pulled by those wanting the New World Order complete
with Agenda 21…they will still vote for Hillary simply because they want a third
Obama term. And why…because it gives their lazy selfish selves a continuation
of their now relied upon ‘free stuff’ and allows for some within their ranks to
continue acting badly while facing no consequences for their actions.
Two examples…can you say Black Lives Matter and the New
Black Panthers for starters.
And a Hillary presidency, like Obama’s, would continue ‘racism
for profit’ both monetarily and as a way to expand the party numbers for by their
promoting racism even in a veiled form…which is what Obama has done for almost eight
years now and which Hillary’s comments and actions clearly support…allows the
Democrats to label us who belonging to the party of Lincoln and Reagan as
people who must never be allowed to assume the reins of power for to them we
are all racists who probably have white hooded sheets hanging in our closets.
And Hillary Clinton is ill prepared to do what is required to
be the steward of America’s ship for like Obama, Hillary will always make politically
expedient decisions based upon what’s good for her own personal political agenda
and of course for her all-important monetary well as for the Clinton Foundation's...instead of making the
sometimes unpopular but oh so necessary decisions that serve the majority well.
But to her supporters the majority be damned as long as she keeps the ‘free
stuff’ flowing in their direction.
And certain decisions become even more critical when
venturing into the foreign policy arena what with this being the day and age of
‘islamic terrorism’…a term that Hillary, like Obama, also refuses to say. And
it’s here in this specific arena that our country cannot afford yet another of what
some call an “imperfect commander-in-chief”…as
in one who does not serve ‘We the People,’ our military, or our allies well.
Remember, as Europe is being invaded by an army of young, strong,
terrorist-aligned muslim men…and as blood continues to flow through her ancient
streets…Obama ever so nonchalantly looks away as will Hillary for both have
enemy operatives pulling their strings…Svengalis who influence and guide their
every move and every decision…with Hillary having 'suspected' Muslim Brotherhood
operative Huma Abedin as her top adviser and with Obama having the infamous
Valerie Jarrett...the woman whose ties to Iran run deep as obviously does his.
Now I’ll give you but a few specific domestic policy areas
where a Hillary Clinton presidency would directly overlap and continue Obama’s
Let’s start with Hillary’s economic policies which mirror
those of Obama. And while Hillary knows well that after Obama’s continuing dismal economic
recovery and jobs numbers that America would be better served if we had a
president who ignores the daily mundane and oh so unimportant intricacies of combative
personalities on both sides of the aisle and instead puts the best interest of
our country into the forefront, know that Hillary Clinton will not do this even knowing that most
economic decisions made on the national level do directly filter down and impact
the economic lives of each and every American citizen on a daily basis.
So of course Hillary will not do this because it’s Obama’s economic
policies that Hillary has indicated she will follow starting with what amounts
to taking away from the rich via heavily increased taxes…taking away from the
very folks who create jobs…to give to what I call ‘the sponges’ of our
society…those who feel they are ‘entitled’ to what we in the middle class have
but without their having to work for it. Simply, Hillary, like Obama, wants us
all on the same socio-economic level…a level of dependency that has us beholden
to the government for our daily survival…in other words, ‘socialism.’
And Hillary has indicated that she too will try to use executive
power…as in executive orders…if need be to implement comprehensive immigration
reform…and that includes her support for Obama’s path to legal status for what
she and the Democrats call ‘undocumented immigrants’ but who we rightfully and
truthfully call ‘illegal aliens.’ Hillary is also seconding Obama’s call for
open borders and for continuing the nightmare that is sanctuary cities…cities
that have increased in number since Obama took office and will continue to
increase in number with Hillary as president… no matter that such designation increases
the crime rates of the cities so designated. And she will also continue to
support Obama’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DAPA (Deferred
Action for Parental Accountability) programs…programs that waive deportation for
illegals. And Hillary has said she will expand these programs of Obama’s once
in office.
Remember, too, and again like Obama, Hillary has no problem allowing
into our country unable to vet Syrian anything-but-refugees. And to make it
worse, Hillary wants to increase by 500% Obama’s now wanted 100,000 Syrian
refugees resettlement program over the course of the next fiscal year…which
would be the first year of a Hillary Clinton presidency if she is elected.
And again following in Obama’s footsteps comes Hillary’s
proposal for what she calls a ‘New College Compact’ that would make community
college free and allow students to attend public four-year colleges debt-free…and
that includes for illegal students and students not really college material as
well. Nice huh…and when you add in that Hillary also wants to fund universal
pre-K for all four year olds (something I am vehemently against as I believe children
need to be home with their families until they are of kindergarten age…no ‘it
takes a village’ nonsense for me) you just know that it will be we taxpayers
who will be footing the bill for all of this.
And dare we forget that Hillary is, just like Obama, an
advocate for gun-control and that she would also try to do away with our Second
Amendment rights for like Obama, Hillary believes guns kill people forgetting
that it takes a person to pull the trigger. And Hillary, again like Obama, also
wants a ban on assault weapons, and is for creating yet another Obama-like
series of background checks that will only help to keep guns out of the hands
of we law-abiding citizens while knowing well that criminals will always find a
way to get a gun.
And in her being Obama’s term three, Hillary is a staunch
supporter of legal access to abortions at any time in a pregnancy and will only
appoint those to the Supreme Court who share her views. And it’s the Supreme
Court and the possibility of her turning the High Court ‘blue’ that should
scare conservatives and conscience voters the most for a liberal leaning court will stay in place for
a generation or more with ‘In God We Trust’ relegated to second place behind the cry of
‘gimmee more free stuff.’
So while contentious arguments abound all over social media
regarding this now officially Trump vs Hillary presidential race, and as the word
‘conscience’ has moved to center stage, I leave you dear reader with this…it has now come
to light that it was Hillary Clinton herself who named Shahram Amiri...the
‘working’ for the
U.S. Iranian nuclear scientist…in the newest batch of her exposed and
released to the public emails...and who over this past weekend was
executed by Iran for
And so the ‘Butcher of Benghazi’s’ trail of blood continues to run as she sits
back and says she…ooops…just had a simple ‘brain short-circuit’ moment. But I
say she knew exactly what she was doing for like Obama her allegiances lie any
and everywhere but with America and ‘We the People.’
So case closed in my eyes as to why Hillary Clinton must
never become president and to why both Craig and I will now vote for Donald
Trump…an imperfect candidate for sure but a candidate who now has afforded us
our only chance of saving our republic…got a problem with that…I sincerely hope
not as I now, as in the past, forever remain #neverhillary.
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