Sunday, August 14, 2016

Five Things You Can Never Say Again After Voting Trump

Donald Trump is busily campaigning, working to turn out his moderate base of Hillary Clinton-hating pragmatists, while trying to steal her base by promising liberal-policy solutions and painting conservatives as the ignorant neanderthals the left always insists we are.
Now there's a smile that shows respect and admiration
Among those besmeared right-wingers are many self-styled conservative leaders who ate the poisoned apple and have fallen into Trumpsleep.
These folks, most of whom supported The Donald in the primary, have spent the last couple months demonizing and harassing Trump critics, and insisting that the rest of the right join them in their march off the electoral cliff.
When the dust settles, Trump apologists will try to regain their influence within the traditional conservative circles they left behind. And that’s when it will become the responsibility of the folks in those circles to disqualify them.
We must prepare to strengthen what remains. Once they’ve chosen to sacrifice their credibility on the altar of Trump, it’s our job to ensure they aren’t allowed to continue riding the conservative credentials they built their reputations on.
Here are some things a Trump supporter should never be able to get away with saying in a room full of conservatives again. ...
Read the rest of this op-ed HERE.

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