Tears for France...Again
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots
The horrific events that unfolded just a mere day ago in Nice,
France during Bastille Day celebrations, must be laid at the feet of Barack
HUSSEIN Obama…the very man who by his still refusing to even say the word ‘islamic’
when referring to recent terrorist attacks…has shown the world that his deliberate
inactions in stopping these savages has most assuredly allowed acts like this
to continue.
And now more than ever these acts must simply be recognized and
called what they are, as in ‘islamic terrorism,’ for no longer must the word ’radical’
be attached to islam, for like Turkey’s Prime Minister Recip Erdogen said when
commenting on the term ‘moderate islam,’ “These
descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion.
There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
In other words even what is currently called ‘radical islam’
is islam…period.
And now the time has truly come for recognizing that islam
is indeed nothing but a savage cult of death, and the sooner we in the
world recognize the enemy for who they are…islam…the entirety of
islam…the sooner
our streets will stop flowing red with the blood of innocents. And it’s
time that we civilized men everywhere recognize and accept that islam
has no place at all in
the fabric of any western society, let alone our American society, for
basis of islam lies in subjugation and blood as the very (un)holy book
which islam is based…the qur’an…calls for its followers to kill by any
means possible those who do not believe.
And as with so many times before where, pray tell, are the voices of what still some want to believe are ‘moderate muslims’…their as expected deafening silence once again screams of condoning for by their not outwardly condemning they do so condone.
And now some in our country ask the question that if we are
to be kept safe here at home from events like that which has for the third time
shaken France to its very core, how much of our rights must we give up. Well the
answer to that should not even be a question we ask for ‘We the People’ must never
give up or be expected to give up any of our rights, but those we question…those
we rightfully suspect…must be made to give up all of their rights…rights they
should not have been afforded in the first place.
And how can that accomplished…simply by bringing back ‘racial
profiling’ and acting accordingly by going into the lairs where they live and
breed and then by acting accordingly while still recognizing…but sadly
sometimes having to ignore…the laws of civilized men.
But again to even do that, the enemy we must recognize and call
out by name is islam and that islam’s followers are muslims. And while ‘muslim’
is not now nor has ever been a race, as any who follow islam no matter the
color of their skin are called muslims, the simple fact is that while not all
terrorists are muslim all recent acts of terrorism, both here in our country
and abroad, have indeed been committed by muslims…committed by muslims in the name of
allah…in the name of islam.
Committed by muslims and yet…Barack HUSSEIN Obama…our islamic
condoning president…our muslim president…still sits back and does basically
nothing as attacks of terrorism increase in number both here at home and on a
global scale…and these acts are now ever closer together. And in Obama’s trying
to label these acts of savagery either ‘workplace violence’ in some cases, the somewhat
stronger term ‘hate crimes’ in other cases, or even if the word ‘terrorism’ happens
to spew from his lips…Obama still remains ever so careful to dare not say ‘islamic.’
Yet this does nothing to take away from the fact that these attacks were committed
by muslims whose loyalties lie with terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS,
terrorists whose mission is driven ever forward by the hateful words laid down in
the qur’an and by the words of imams and mullahs ever egging them on.
And please, dear reader, do not try to ignore the fact that the enemy of which I speak is already here on American soil for acts like just happened in Nice, France have already happened here in America as well just on a smaller scale… the Boston Bombing, San Bernardino, and Orlando are just to name but a few. And if you notice each act perpetrated here at home increases the number of innocents killed… almost as if each act that comes before is but a trial run for the next terrorist act…a preparation of sorts for the ‘big’ one sure to come…and know that it will probably come sooner rather than later.
So the bottom line again is another question, that being ‘are
we truly at war’…a tangible war known as World War III? I believe we are and
have been since a sunny day 15 years ago this upcoming September 11th. But this
war…a war on a global scale…we currently half-heartedly fight as it foolishly remains
a war undeclared for the one who stewards America’s ship thinks by not declaring
war, war against his brethren does not exist. But know that it does exist and
know that we are losing as a small band of barbaric savages has indeed brought
the West…brought America…to her for now impotent knees.
it does not have to be so nor does it have to remain that
way as the eyes of world continues to look to America…to plead for
lead the way to make this nightmare end. But ending the nightmare means
being victorious, but before victory can be accomplished it means we
have to
come full-circle back to naming whom the enemy is…and it is and remains
entirety of islam. And only when that is said…and said for all the world
hear…can we move forward as a united front in what should be a
million-man army
of allies fighting side by side together to annihilate an enemy
comprised of what is really a rag-tag group of ununiformed thugs on
their home turf.
And that fighting means not just for show as is Obama’s so-called ‘targeted bombing’ of empty warehouses, long deserted terrorist training camps, and convoys going nowhere, but it means non-stop 24/7 carpet bombing…bombing that sends, once and for all, these barbaric savages back to the 7th century from whence they came. And only when that is accomplished must troops be sent in to ‘take out’ the remaining garbage.
And victory also means purging the enemy from the nations of
civilized men that they currently reside in…as in rounding them up and deporting them all
back to the cesspools of countries they used to call ‘home’ because this is an
enemy who is now operating from within the borders of the very countries taking
them in…countries whose leaders are blind to the fact that their very inactions
are aiding and abetting those actually wanting them dead. And remember, too,
that this is an enemy not willing to assimilate into their host county's society as their job, if you will, is
to first bring said host country to its knees and then to bend that country to the
will of allah…to the will of islam…complete with the abomination known as
sharia law.
So as we stand united and grieve together with the people of
France as they once again have to bury their innocent dead, the muslim bastard…the
French national from Tunisia…who committed such a horrific act and whose name
out of respect for the dead will not cross my lips…I can only hope…I can only
pray…that the world will finally wake up and realize both whom the enemy is and
who is by his very inactions ‘aiding and abetting’ said enemy, and then send them
both…the first one literally and the second one figuratively…straight back to
the so-called ‘bowels of hell’ from which they both came.
And all the while the world’s call for political correctness
regarding those out to kill us all be damned.
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