Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trump’s Emptiest Threat

The Donald can’t bolt the GOP to run as an independent—by June it will be too late.
New York was generous Tuesday to its native son Donald Trump. He grabbed 89 of the 95 delegates up for grabs and for the first time in any state received more than 50% of the vote.
Mr. Trump’s sweeping victory was impressive. But, as Henry Olsen of the Ethics and Public Policy Center pointed out at National Review, it was also expected. New York Republicans tend to be self-described moderates, and either unchurched or Catholic—all groups that Mr. Trump has dominated in other states. Those demographic factors, combined with a home-field advantage, meant no one was going to deny The Donald.
While Team Trump rejoices, their candidate’s total delegate haul is pegged at 845 by the Associated Press. With 950 delegates in someone else’s column, the New York real estate tycoon is 105 behind his competitors and must win 58% of the remaining delegates for a first-ballot victory. He’s won 47% of those chosen so far.
The importance of a first-ballot victory is crucial: Mr. Trump has been walloped in the state and district party conventions where the actual delegates are selected. He will find himself in Cleveland with many men and women who are bound to him for only one or two ballots—but then are eager to vote for someone else. 
Read the rest of this op-ed HERE.

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