Monday, April 18, 2016

Beware The Legal Plunder Of Your Paycheck

If you’re employed, beware. An alarming attitude is sweeping the nation that your paycheck is fair game to fix any social problem. Left-wing legislators across the nation are mandating deductions from everyone’s paycheck to fund paid family and medical leave programs.
The programs are used mostly by women to stay home with their newborns. Sounds warm and fuzzy, but looting your paycheck to fund it amounts to legal plunder. The left is using the law to take what you’ve earned and give the money to someone else.
Lawmakers in the state of New York are savoring their 15 minutes of fame for passing the most “progressive” paid family leave law in the nation. “Reckless” is a more like it. The law empowers the state to deduct funds from every worker’s paycheck to keep the new family leave program afloat. How big a payroll deduction? The law doesn’t say. Each year, state officials will decide on a percentage deduction, and New Yorkers will see their paychecks shrink, based on that decision.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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