Corruption: Barack Obama promised that his would be the most transparent administration in history. Turns out that it is likely the most furtive White House the country has ever seen.
The Obama administration has tried to operate in the dark as much as possible, outside of the light of day and in the shadows of deceit. One of the first whiffs that this was an administration of secrets was the revelation that Obama’s first EPA Director Lisa Jackson used the alias “Richard Windsor” for official government communication.
Later we learned that Hillary Clinton, Obama’s first secretary of State, and her top aide Huma Abedin — who also worked for the private firm Teneo and the Clinton Foundation while she was on the State Department staff — used personal email accounts handled by a private server in the Clinton’s New York house rather than use official government channels. Another Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills, essentially told a federal judge to drop dead when he ordered her to produce “all responsive information that was or is in (her) possession as a result of (her) employment at the State Department.”
The IRS has also tried to hide its inner operations. Emails among IRS officials that should have been archived under federal law to comply with open government policy have either been blocked from release or destroyed.
And now it’s being reported that Eric Holder, the first Obama attorney general, used the email alias “Lew Alcindor” while he ran the Justice Department.Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.
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