I view the republican party as a fortress of freedom, liberty, smaller government, fiscal responsibility, pro-life and traditional values. While it is admittedly flawed, and at times sadly weak, it is the only political party that has stood for many of the issues that I believe in.
It bothers me that instead of trying to strengthen our weaknesses, we are instead weakening our strengths. It's like the soldiers, instead of defending their own fort, are firing on the people inside and tearing down the walls to allow our political adversaries easier access, as well as giving them ammunition to use against us.
The democrats have often accused the republicans of waging a war on women. While I believe that is not true, the republicans have decided to nominate a candidate who refers to women as "a piece
of ass," as "ugly," as "dogs," and who blames tough questions on a reporter's menstrual cycle.
The democrats have often accused the republicans of being racist. While I believe that is not true, the republicans have decided to nominate someone who equivocated on denouncing the support of a former grand wizard of the KKK.
The democrats have often accused the republicans of being bigots. While I believe that is not true, the republicans have decided to nominate someone who has called for banning Muslims from immigrating, or even visiting the US, who has accused all illegal Mexican immigrants of being rapists and drug dealers.
Republicans claim to value lives, to oppose the federal government's financial support of Planned Parenthood. And now the republicans have decided to nominate someone who has voiced support of a federal judge who supports even partial birth abortion, and has voiced support of Planned Parenthood. Ann Coulter tweeted "I don't care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in the White House after this immigration policy paper."
Republicans claim to support traditional Judeo-Christian values. And now the republicans have decided to nominate someone who is a non-repentant, serial adulterer.
Republicans claim to value the rule of law. And now the republicans have decided to nominate someone who has called for the US military to commit war crimes in the form of assassinating the families (including innocent women and children) of terrorists.
Republicans claim to value free market capitalism, And now the republicans have decided to nominate someone who has openly bragged about his own crony capitalism.
Republicans claim to value free speech. And now the republicans have decided to nominate someone who wants to "open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false
articles, we can sue them and win lots of money."
In 2012 I felt that while Barack Obama was held to a very low standard by his supporters, and Mitt Romney was held to an, at times impossibly high standard by both his supporters and his detractors, Donald Trump is held to no standard at all. He has claimed that he "could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
I don't pretend to know what to do here. I fear that it is too late. The nicest thing I can say about Donald Trump is that he is not Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, the nicest thing I can think of to say about Hillary Clinton is that she's not Donald Trump.
Sorry for the weird format. I don't know how to fix that.
Hi Noelle,
I fixed the format for you.
BTW, Who are you supporting to STOP TRUMP?
Well, my top choice of those in the race is Marco Rubio, but I'm afraid he isn't quite going to make it.
I don't love Ted Cruz, but I'll take him over Trump.
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