With the first real votes being cast in the presidential race Monday, this is an opportune moment to do some last-minute comparison shopping on the candidates’ tax reform plans. On this issue there’s a lot to cheer about. All the Republican candidates have crafted plans that would slash tax rates for everyone and most would vastly simplify the thousands of pages of IRS tax code.
Ted Cruz has endorsed a flat-tax plan that, for full disclosure, was designed by Arthur Laffer and myself. So has Rand Paul, who has now suspended his campaign. These plans have drawn some criticism from the Right of late, though the attacks are mostly baseless.
Ben Carson wants a low-rate flat tax, too, and he would heroically eliminate all special interest deductions and carve-outs. Mike Huckabee is pushing a national sales tax to entirely replace the income tax. Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Donald Trump want to cut personal income tax rates 20% to 25% while eliminating indefensible loopholes.
One common goal of nearly all these plans is to turbocharge growth by dramatically lowering the business tax rate (now the highest in the world) and reducing the punitive double taxation of investment income. Most GOP plans would cut the corporate/business tax to 15% to 25%.Read the rest of Stephen Moore's op-ed HERE.
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