Monday, January 18, 2016

INVASION OF EUROPE: Denmark Considers Seizing Valuables From Migrants To Help Meet The Cost Of Their Stay

The Danish government is continuing to press ahead with measures authorities describe as attempts to make the country less attractive to immigrants
Denmark’s government has secured cross-party backing for a plan to seize cash and valuables from asylum seekers to help meet the cost of their stay, highlighting how mistrust toward migrants is growing across Europe.
The Danish minority government, which relies on support from an anti-immigrant party in parliament, said it would seek lawmakers’ approval on Jan. 26 and hopes to put the plan in place by the start of February.
Under the seizure plan, Danish police would be given the power to take cash and valuables valued at more than 10,000 kroner ($1,450), although items of special personal value, such as wedding rings or family portraits, would be exempt.
Outlining the plan, Danish Immigration Minister Inger Stojberg said: “In Denmark, you should support yourself if you can.”
The United Nations’ refugee agency has sharply criticized the initiative, calling it a deeply concerning response to humanitarian needs and appealing to Denmark to scrap it. Some Danish politicians have protested, saying the proposal risked tarnishing the country’s image amid news reports drawing parallels to Nazi Germany.
But the Danish government is continuing to press ahead with measures authorities describe as attempts to make the country less attractive to immigrants. Last year, as the number of migrants fleeing war-torn Syria was rapidly rising, the Danish government took out ads in Lebanese papers to promote the fact that it was cutting benefits for new arrivals.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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