Saturday, January 9, 2016

An Ego Trip To Cuba

Politics: In search of a legacy and Latino votes for Democrats, the White House says President Obama will likely visit Cuba this year. So far from this being about U.S. interests or even Cuban liberty, it's just another ego trip.
'Cynical" is the word that springs to mind as news leaks about President Obama seeking to visit Cuba's dictatorship without any evidence of change.
Until a few days ago, the official U.S. line was that the president would travel to the communist island if it "bolsters its human rights record," as Bloomberg reported.
This has been consistent with U.S. policy for the past 56 years: Pariah states that clean up at least some of their act get rewarded with presidential visits.
But who cares about that when there's a legacy to seal? Apparently, Obama is so desperate to make it to the island before his presidential term ends, his deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes, now says the visit itself could "be the change," he told the New York Times.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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