Saturday, December 5, 2015

Iran Worked on Nuclear Weapons Before 2009, U.N. Agency Finds

IAEA also finds evidence doesn’t support Iran’s explanations of building use at Parchin military site
The United Nations atomic agency said in a closely followed ​report Wednesday that it believed Iran was working in a “coordinated” way on nuclear weapons know-how until the end of 2003 and that some of these activities continued beyond that point.
However, the International Atomic Energy Agency said it had concluded after a five-month probe that there were no “credible indications” of nuclear weapons related activities in Iran after 2009 and that it had no evidence Iran used nuclear fuel in any of its past weapons work.
The agency said Iran’s weapons related activities before 2009 were limited to feasibility and scientific studies, and to the acquisition of specific nuclear weapons related capabilities.
... However, the report says that Iran provided no additional relevant information on some of the issues, including concerns that Iran was doing early preparations for a possible nuclear test. In some cases, including on the work at Parchin, the IAEA indicated the answers provided by Iran weren't credible.
On Parchin, the IAEA said the samples it took from the site suggested Iran was not using a building it gained access to for the reasons Tehran gave—storing chemicals and explosives. The IAEA believes the building was used to store a chamber where nuclear-related explosives tests may have taken place.
The remaining questions about Iran’s past work reinforce this summer’s criticism from U.S. lawmakers that the probe into Iran’s past nuclear activities was designed in a way to allow Tehran to sidestep critical questions. ...
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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