Monday, August 31, 2015

Trump's 'Tax Me' Comment Reveals He's No Free-Market Champion

Election 2016: Republican front-runner Donald Trump was thrown a fat pitch that he could have hit out of the park by championing capitalism. Instead, he chose class warfare.
It doesn't matter how convoluted or narrow or qualified Trump's comments to Bloomberg Wednesday on "raising taxes on successful people like myself" were. What is important is that he chose to sound like Barack Obama, not Ronald Reagan.
Speaking in the lobby of his Trump Tower on New York's Fifth Avenue, Trump talked about making those successful in hedge funds pay more in taxes "because right now they are paying very little tax, and I think it's outrageous." Instead, he wants middle-class tax cuts.
It's much the same as what Obama and every other Democrat says during campaign time. It's called class warfare. But those left suffering on the battlefield aren't the rich. The casualties are found among those in the middle- and lower-income brackets who can't find good jobs because employers are being soaked by Uncle Sam.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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