Monday, July 6, 2015

What Obama Really Doesn't Want You To Read

Wednesday's big news was the TV Land cable channel caved to political correctness and canceled reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard" because a main character, the '69 Dodge Charger named General Lee, displays the Confederate flag.
Barack Obama was in Nashville taking a victory lap after cowing Chief Justice John Roberts into a far-fetched approval of ObamaCare subsidies. Obama repeated his tall-tale on the amazing success of ObamaCare, which he claims without sourcing is helping maybe half of all Americans.
Today, Obama travels to Wisconsin to tout his amazing success with the economy that actually shrank in the first quarter.
All of which underlines a real presidential success, Obama's implementation of his public schedule to lead a compliant media, a weak-kneed Republican Congress and inattentive public on a merry hunt for more domestic distractions to keep public discussion away from Obama's unfolding foreign policy disasters.
They are legion -- ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Russia. So many of Obama's actions, or in-actions, confound common sense. He and Hillary Clinton created a new lawless state by overthrowing the Libyan government, which had voluntarily relinquished its nuclear weapons program.
Now in eternally elongated talks, Obama's team actually facilitates Iran's nuclear weapons program, seriously jeopardizing Israel's existence and igniting a regional arms race.
When Ukraine needed modern, heavy weapons to combat Russian aggression, Obama sent uniforms and pre-packaged troop meals, which didn't intimidate Russian insurgents.
The Democrat did slap economic sanctions on Russia. They've no doubt hurt Putin's economy. But that wasn't the goal. The goal was to stop Russian aggression. That's clearly failed.
Yet Obama cites the failure of economic sanctions on Cuba as the reason to abandon them and help salvage that Communist dictatorship with normalized diplomatic relations.
Read the rest of this Andrew Malcom op-ed HERE.

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