Friday, July 31, 2015

Carly Fiorina: 'Here's what I will do as Commander in Chief' (includes video From the Reagan Library 07-27-15)

From time to time as the 2016 campaign unfolds we will publish here the full text of some candidate speeches on important topics. We launch this series with Carly Fiorina's national security address at the Reagan Presidential Library the evening of July 27.
The full text is below, as is a complete video, and we will pull out some of the more distinctive passages in a moment. You'll notice here -- and hopefully in the upcoming debates -- that the business executive speaks in clear, simple declarative sentences. No fudge words or rhetorical escape clauses. Clean, crisp, no nonsense.
She outlines the problem, then states clearly what she would do. That style drew frequent applause from the audience at the Reagan Library, scene of a nationally-televised Republican debate with all the candidates in mid-September.
Fiorina's speech reads well, but is even better when heard, given her sharp, sometimes tart delivery. (Scroll down for complete video of her remarks and the ensuing Q and A's.) It's a refreshing change and not accidental as even Fiorina's words and speaking manner set her apart from from the usual Washington blather uttered by what she calls "the professional political class." You know who you are, sitting senators.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view here entire speech at the Reagan Library below:

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