Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mark Halperin Interview Of Ted Cruz Shows Left's Plantation Attitude Toward Latinos

Media Bias: In a classic gotcha interview with a GOP candidate, Bloomberg big shot Mark Halperin sought to discredit Ted Cruz as a "real" Latino with patronizing questions. It goes to show the proprietary sense that the left has toward minorities.
In a week-old televised interview discovered and called out by columnist Ruben Navarrette writing in the San Jose Mercury News, Halperin asked the Republican candidate for president in a dour interrogator's intonation what kind of Cuban food Cruz ate, which Cuban musical artists he listened to, whether he identified himself as Latino on his application to college (Princeton, Harvard) and, grossest of all, asked him to say something in Spanish for him.
Cruz kept his composure and politely answered all but the speak-Spanish-for-me request. But there was a look on his face that suggested discomfort.
Bloggers and Tweeters on the Internet, particularly those of Latin American background, rightfully blasted the interrogation.
"I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and, if I had $5 for every liberal idiot who looks at me and says 'You don't look Puerto Rican,' etc., because I don't fit the liberal template of what a Lateeeno/Lateeena (sic) should be like, this blog wouldn't need to carry ads," ranted blogger Fausta Wertz, accusing Halperin of expecting Cruz to perform like '50s comic actor and bandleader Ricky Ricardo.
Several bloggers compared Halperin's line of questioning with that of someone looking for a minstrel show. And even on the far left, the Think Progress blog weighed in. "The prize for the most racist interview of a 2016 candidate goes to Bloomberg's Mark Halperin," one of them wrote.
The waves of disgust across the spectrum pretty well told the Bloomberg editor he'd stepped in it, bad, and as a result, he apologized Monday, with qualifications indicating that the problem was with the offended, not him. His main regret, he said, was his haste and tone, and he was sorry if anyone was offended. Yeah, sure.
It seems the mainstream media, which even after years of nonwhite leaders in high positions, are still unable to get their heads around the idea of a black or Latino running for office who isn't a lockstep Democrat.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE. I posted the interview last week. You can view that HERE.

Related Links:

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin apologizes for awful Ted Cruz interview ... Not until the shit hit the fan

Ted Cruz Defends Mark Halperin: His Apology Was ‘Unnecessary’ ... That's called ...CLASS!

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