Sunday, March 29, 2015

Man Didn't Create Freedom But He Is Supposed To Protect It

Life, Liberty, And ... : Sen. Ted Cruz and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declare that our rights come from God, and they are censured. That wouldn't happen if more Americans were familiar with our founding documents.
Ted Cruz prays with members of the audience after 
announcing his campaign for president Monday at 
Liberty University. AP
The day after he officially announced that he was running for president, Cruz, the Texas Republican, said that "our rights" don't come from man, "they come from God Almighty." Political reporter Meredith Shiner thought it "bizarre" that he would say rights are from God and not man-made.
A few days later, Christie, another Republican and possible presidential candidate, said that our liberties "are not given to us by the government." They are, he said, "given by God."
Our proper role, he rightly insisted, is to establish a government "to enforce and protect those liberties and freedoms, not to determine how we exercise them."
It's refreshing to have elected officials who will publicly acknowledge that the Declaration of Independence clarified that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
And the role of government itself? Governments — and not just ours — says the Declaration, "are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
Read the rest of this IBD Editorial HERE.

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