Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Obama Immigration Deputies Free 30,862 Foreign Criminals

President Barack Obama’s immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States’ cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.
The document also showed that Obama repatriated less than 1 percent of the 12 million illegals living in the United States during the 12 months up to October 2014.
Officials also repatriated only 8,805 of the roughly 180,000 unskilled Central American migrants who flooded across the border since 2011, according to the “Fiscal Year 2014 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operation Report.”
“Immigration enforcement has been destroyed by this President,” Sen. Jeff Sessions said in a Dec. 5 statement.
Americans “must understand the situation can be remedied: if the public elects officeholders who will demand enforcement—at the worksite, the welfare office, and all ports of entry—the lawlessness can swiftly be ended,” he said.
During fiscal 2014, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement repatriated 315,943 people.
But two-thirds were foreigners caught at the border, and 86,923 were resident illegals caught in major criminal activity.
Obama’s deputies repatriated only 6,466 people who didn’t reach Obama’s high thresholds for deportation — committing felonies, being a national security threat or being a recent border crosser, according to the document.
The report suggested that 636 of the 6,466 were sent home on the advice of probation officials, and another 2,802 of them were gang members.
Enforcement was so lax that 129,921 illegals — including 30,862 criminals — were released back into American neighborhoods rather than being sent home.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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