Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rick Santorum Speech at the 2014 Values Voter Summit (Full Speech 09-26-14)

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Unknown said...

Most substantive, poignant, truthful speech at the Values Voter Summit. No showboating. No chumming the crowd with bumper sticker slogans and one liners for raucous applause. No sermonizing to prove he's "more Christian" than the other speakers looking at 2016. This was wholly presidential in every sense of the word. No notes. No teleprompters. Just straight from the heart because he believes what he says with every fiber of his being--and he lives it out in his life both publicly and privately.
For most of Santorum's speech, you could hear a pin drop. That's because people were actually LISTENING to and digesting what he was saying, not busy reacting to it. This is a statesman, NOT a showman or salesman. He told us what we needed to hear, not what he thought we wanted to hear so he could get the applause on tape for good PR. This is the man who belongs in the White House and who has my full trust and support.

Alexneon said...

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