Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ObamaSPIN: Obama Hides the Steady Inflow of Central American Migrants by Focusing Only on the Unacompannied Children

The unprecedented multi-year inflow of 150,000 poor Central American migrants into the United States has dropped by only one-quarter during the hottest and most dangerous month of this year.
That’s contrary to the spin from the officials who have tried to claim the August drop was much larger and that the post-2009 inflow is perhaps coming to an end.
“The number of apprehensions in August are down from July, and they’re actually lower than they were August of last year,” President Barack Obama claimed during an August 28 press conference.
“Apprehensions in July were half of what they were in June [and] so we’re seeing a significant downward trend in terms of these unaccompanied children,” he said.
Obama however, focused the reporters’ attention on the smaller part of the inflow — the so-called “unaccompanied children” from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.
He ignored the bigger and faster-growing part of the inflow — the groups of adults and children that are defined as “family units” by border officials.
Obama’s data was correct for the number of Central American “unaccompanied” youths who crossed without adults. Their numbers fell from 4,332 in July to 2,037 in August, according to monthly records that are released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.
But Obama ignored the number of Central Americans crossing in “family units.” Their numbers dropped only slightly, from 5,517 in July to 5,205 in August.
Read the rest of the Story HERE and watch a related video below:

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