Sunday, September 21, 2014

ObamaMESS: Another Wave of Health Insurance Cancellations Approaches

Last week, Virginia lawmakers learned that 250,000 residents will see their health plans canceled this year, due to ObamaCare. The president's second "keep your plan" promise was as worthless as the first.
It turned out that this promise applied only to those who'd bought their health plans before March 2010. As a result, millions received cancellation notices from their insurance companies and learned that the government-approved ObamaCare plans cost much more.
The resulting political firestorm prompted President Obama to rush out a Band-Aid fix last November, letting individuals keep their plans for another year, even if the policies didn't meet ObamaCare's standards, provided their state insurance regulators would allow it.
Then this March Obama extended the exemption two more years.
"We're going to do everything we can to help the Americans who have received these cancellation notices," Obama said at one point.
You'd think people would know better than to take Obama at his word by now.
In Virginia, 250,000 are learning that they won't in fact be able to keep the plans they like after this year. That's because the state decided to allow only a one-year extension.
"What we're hearing over and over again from constituents is shock — shock that their premiums are increasing, shock that they'll be paying much more out of pocket, and shock that the promise they could keep their plan turned out to be false," said Kathy Byron, a Republican in Virginia's House of Delegates.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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