Sunday, May 4, 2014

Utah GOP State Convention featured a Draft Mitt Romney 2016 Booth .. and there's more ..

A booth at the recent state GOP convention appeared to explain the status of the "Draft Mitt" movement in Utah — an empty table in front of a pile of signs encouraging a Romney presidential run in 2016 adorned with a few American flags.
But Utah State Republican Party Chairman James Evans said the unattended booth was only intended to hint at what's to come from a group of Romney supporters around the country being organized as a political nonprofit group.
Evans won't say what the group is calling itself or who outside of Utah is involved, but he said it's behind a website,, that seeks signatures on a petition "to send Mitt Romney a message we need him as our president."
Between now and December, the state party leader said, the intent is to gather enough signatures online, especially from conservatives who didn't support him in 2012, to convince Romney to change his mind.
"The question has to be answered: What's changed? And what we predict is those who didn't vote for Mitt Romney that allowed Barack Obama to be re-elected have seen enough that they have buyer's remorse," Evans said.
Romney, of course, has said again and again he has no interest in making another run after losing the party's nomination to Sen. John McCain in 2008 and the election to President Barack Obama in 2012.
Would we be where we are today if this had been the 
2012 outcome?
"I've had two bites at the apple. Three strikes and you're out," Romney told a University of Utah business school audience. Lately, the former leader of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City has simply been saying, "No, no, no."
Evans said the "Draft Mitt" movement accepts "Gov. Romney's position as just his first offer. … We have to respond back with evidence to show why the 'no' is a position that needs to change."
Stories continue to surface suggesting there could be another run in Romney.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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Anonymous said...


Mitt Romney • Being Successful in America


Gov. Mitt Romney: In this country

we want someone who can

help other people become successful.


“The economy is what I do, it’s what I know, it’s what I’ve done,”

Romney said. I’ve actually done it –

started businesses, run businesses. I know how to do it.”


I’ve been extraordinarily successful and

I want to use that success and

that know-how to help the American people.


Romney's private-sector success is also

critical to his appeal. He understands

how businesses and investors make decisions.


Two of Mitt Romney's MENTORS:


I must plan things to a standard of excellence

if I want to succeed.

The greater the challenge, the higher the standard must be.



will require work and displine.

It will require

a deliberate and determined effort at self-improvement.

It will require

the setting of high goals and

a consistent effert to achieve them.

And underlying all these, it will require

Purity, Clarity, and Precision in Thought.


Anonymous said...


Ascendant Mitt Romney


Today America need leadership attuned to

the revitalization of USA companies and opportunities.


Back in the 1980s, Bain Capital under Mitt Romney was

a spearhead of a massive national movement of

corporate restructuring. The high tax rates of the

inflationary 1970s had forced a deadening siege of

conglomeration and corporate bloat and resulted in a

catastrophic 60 percent decline in the real value of corporate equity.


This was the era of palatial new Corporate headquarters, jet fleets,

and lavish entertainment budgets all serving incoherent jumbles of

unrelated companies that had equity worth less than the sum of their parts.


Corporations often had either to splurge or merge

to avoid a suffocating confiscation of profits through

the interplay of inflation with exalted tax gouges, which

could rise to effective rates above 100 percent of real returns.


Conglomerates artfully combined companies nursing losses

with companies harvesting profits,

thereby muting the impact of the deadly tax regime.


But Ronald Reagan’s counter-inflationary supply-side tax policies,

coupled with Paul Volcker’s monetary contraction,

made these morbid combines dysfunctional.


They had to be dismantled and reorganized for a low-tax,

low-inflation regime, kicking and screaming all the way,

and Mitt Romney was a key leader on the case.

This restructuring campaign radically increased the value of

the assets of USA business.


The economic effects of a general restructuring that

releases capital for better uses, more jobs, and

higher valuations all across the economy.


Bain Capital successfully invest in entire companies,

which resulted in sharp increases in capital expenditures,

R & D, employment, and share value.


The American Spectator


Anonymous said...


Mitt's Moment

He fixes problems; we've got 'em.


Mr. Romney never really fit his assigned part
as Gordon Gekko or Milburn Drysdale. ...
When other private equity pioneers were
turning their millions into billions,
he left to rescue the Winter Olympics.

America is headed only for a moment of recognition.
Like Greece.
Like the troubled businesses Bain overhauled.
Like the failing Salt Lake City Olympics.

There's no money to pay for bigger and bigger government.
There's no money to pay for the government
we've already promised ourselves.


bankrupting the nation to pay for health care
is not an option. If we do nothing,
if entitlements remain unreformed, the
money simply will be withheld to pay for them.

You'll still be entitled to that knee operation at taxpayer expense.

Good luck finding a doctor to perform it.
The waiting list will be long.


Our world that's coming is a world of narrowing,
not widening, choices.

It's a world that suits Mr. Romney's skills and history,
his knack for operating within constraints
and making choices based on data, data, data.

Mr. Obama lives in the same world, of course, but
is unequipped to deal with it ...

Also, given his inclination to seek refuge in
a clueless reverie of big new programs
at a time when the resources simply don't exist.


The consensus for painful reform comes
when the status quo hits the wall.

It's a myth that we don't know what our choices are.

That's the Romney moment.
His strong suit has always been
to do what everyone else has put off.


Wall Street Journal

Anonymous said...

Right Speak Headline:

Released Documents reveal that Team
Bill CLINTON fueled the Subprime Bubble ..
Not Wall Street


Searching the WEB repository REVEALS that:

TEAM Bill CLINTON & Wall Street


» Bill CLINTON Pushing Home Ownership to
new highs via government COERCION.

» Pres. Bill CLINTON and Robert RUBIN —
unleashing Wall Street RISK–taking.

Bill CLINTON signed into law in 2000:

The Commodity Futures Modernization Act,
which exempted Over–the–Counter
SWAPS and DERIVATIVES from Regulation.

The idea was to Distribute RISK; unfortunately,
the effect was to Magnify RISK.


Banks lurched from caution to
bubble-inflating recklessness


Two PEAS in a POD
» Pres. Bill CLINTON and Robert RUBIN —
unleashing Wall Street RISK–taking.



We got lot of changes that we did not hoped for.


Wall Street built a DOOMSDAY MACHINE
Turning Garbage into GOLD


The True Story of the Financial Crisis


Brooksley Born, Alan Greenspan, and The Warning


The Brass Standard


About those POLICIES that got us into this Mess


Wall Street's Delusion — 60 Minutes


The Man who CRASHED the World

The most sensational corporate COLLAPSE,
a COLLAPSE that would have led to the BANKRUPTCY
of every major American financial institution

If it hadn’t been for A.I.G. F.P.
the Subprime-Mortgage Machine
might never have been built


The Man who CRASHED the World ?

I think Lewis is actually too harsh on A.I.G. FP.
They made bad decisions, they essentially
blew up all of AIG, and they required an
enormous taxpayer-funded bailout to limit
the collateral damage.
But holding them responsible for
the bad decisions at all the Wall Street
investment banks seems a bit much.


The 2008 banking collapse and the Great Recession —

Anonymous said...

READY FOR MITT 2016. Sign the petition, folks! Let's get this party started!


Anonymous said...

Love it, Martha! Let's do it!