Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Queen of Stupid Strikes Again: Now it's Our Founding Fathers would have Loved Obamacare

Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi emerged into the sunlight April 1 to applaud a rush of sign-ups for Obamacare, and immediately described it as the long-sought goal of Gen. George Washington and the nation’s Founding Fathers in 1787. 
“It is really so heart warming for those of us who worked so hard [to make sure] many more people in our country would have access to healthcare,” she told reporters at the stakeout position just outside the West Wing portico.
“There are those critics, bumps in the road, but they’ve only been turbulence. They have not been an obstacle to the American people having healthier life that our that our founders wanted for them,” she said. 
Those founders wanted “life — a healthier life — liberty and the freedom to pursue their happiness, not [be] job-locked, but having benefits that having health-care policies that are portable, they could be self-employed, be a photographer — they could start their own business, they could change jobs, they could reach their aspirations,” she declared.
Read the resr of the story HERE and listen to the Idiot below:

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1 comment:

  1. You are so dang STUPID, RETARDED, you know what you need, you need to REALLY READ THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, in our UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION IT STATES concerning our GOVERNMENT, in our UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OUR FOUNDING FATHERS STATE THAT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS CANT BE FORCED TO BUY A SERVICE OR BUY ANY PRODUCT. That's right you fucking ugly Bitch, not only are you uglier then a mud fence, you don't know what you are talking about. Our Founding Fathers would of never & never did put any thing like that. I am sure that our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their grave for the simple fact that you are nothing but a liar. You are nothing but TRAILER TRASH for the simple fact that you stupid bitch are Attacking our FOUNDING FATHERS WHO CAN'T DEFEND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, so trash why don't you attack anybody that could come to the defense of the lies that you are stating. Because you are a COWARD you Attack not only our Founding Fathers who can't come to the Defense of our CONSTITUTION.
