Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ann Coulter wants Mitt Romney to run again in 2016

Earlier this week on Boston’s WRKO-AM’s The Howie Carr Show, conservative commentator Ann Coulter shocked some conservatives when she said she is making 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney her favorite for the 2016 Republican contest. 
Last month in an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation, Romney himself ruled out the possibility of a 2016 run and said he was instead focused on who to get behind in that contest. Coulter, however, wishes otherwise.
“Well, don't tell him but I'm planning on giving Mitt Romney a little more time to rest -- flying out, kidnapping him and depriving him of sleep, food and water until he agrees to run again,” she joked to host Howie Carr. 
Coulter made her argument by insisting the current list of names of GOP presidential hopefuls are lacking in their stands on the immigration issue, whereas Romney is much stronger.
“I think [Romney] was a fantastic candidate,” Coulter said. “As I've told you before, he would have won by a larger landslide than Ronald Reagan did in 1980 without Teddy Kennedy's immigration bill. And it's basically impossible to beat an incumbent, but he is head and shoulders better than the other candidates we had."
Read the rest of the story HERE and Listen to Coulter's comments below:

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  1. She came to the realization like so many people are, because it cannot be denied. It's just a simple fact that he's still the best prospect we have. If he wasn't, such a thing would not be considered or uttered.


  2. I'm looking forward to seeing how this thing develops. This is exciting.


  3. RM, I realize this is bad news for you. I understand. Breath. Be calm. It will be okay. You'll see.


  4. I would be the best thing for the USA to have the Romney's as President and First Lady. Please RM, just get over your juvenile bigotry and see the total picture.


  5. "I would be the best thing for the USA to have the Romney's as President and First Lady."

    Interesting, isn't it, board, that there are people on the planet who actually genuinely believe the above quote.

  6. I think he'd probably get the hard core mormon cult vote like Martha and elle along with the trannies like coulter.. What could go wrong? Oh thats right, another electoral LANDSLIDE!!!

  7. Lees than 350,000 votes in key swing states separated victory from defeat, hardly the landslide you want people to believe. By pointing to the final tally of the electoral college you make it sound worse than it actually was. And Only a small percentage separated the final vote count in the end, not the landslide you claim it was. And add my name to the list of individuals who most definitely believe our country would be in much better shape than it is now had our candidate won the election.

  8. And lost 12 of 13 Swing states. What the hell, let's watch Willard get swept against Hillary. I'm game.

  9. Romney lost by only 5 million votes, fool.


  10. So Romney, who would want for first lady? Newts wife, who KNEW he was MARRIED (and not separated) when she started sleeping with him? I guess that's your standard, but it certainly is NOT mine.

  11. So Romney, who would want for first lady? Newts wife, who KNEW he was MARRIED (and not separated) when she started sleeping with him? I guess that's your standard, but it certainly is NOT mine.

  12. It's the geeks of the world like Romney who can figure things out and fix them. And Romney, out of those who have run in recent history, is the best person to fix this question. Unfortunately, many Americans like to live vicariously through an exciting candidate, almost like living vicariously through a favorite sports team. Even though one would think Americans would be very grateful to have a candidate run for office who knows what he's doing, the excitement factor is a must for many, and the lack of it is ironically equated with phoniness and weakness. In short, Romney was not exciting enough, therefore, he was bad, even though the best person for the presidency and most capable of fixing the current economic state.

    I wish Romney would do a reality show on new, start up businesses. Not only would the other candidates not be able to do something similar, due a lack of real world working and business experience and a lifetime of careers in politics, Romney would shine in his element. Perhaps, people would then get the picture and vote for someone with experience capable of fixing the economic mess.

  13. Anon, and then, he'd be put down for doing a reality show, when the arctic bimbo does them all the time, and they say 'wow! isen't that awesome?!' Romney should NEVER lower himself to Palin's level.

  14. Romney is certainly my first choice. Gee, the guy has been proven right over and over again, most recently in the GM situation.

    She also pointed out that if not for Kennedy's immigration law in 1965, Romney would have won a bigger landslide than Reagan. Of course, 1965 happened because of Goldwater. The Rs should have run a moderate that year, looking back.

  15. Romney will not be the Republican nominee next cycle. Grow up.

  16. Why would it be an issue of "growing up" if one feels he is the most qualified candidate? Perhaps you needed to use a better word in describing your sentiments. It might be more accurate to state you need to do some "growing up" so that your obvious bias against him isn't so easy to identify. It's simple to speak disparagingly towards someone, it's more difficult to convey your reasons why in a way that others would agree with your points, etc. I invite you to state your case, then we'll have a real debate on the merits of your arguments.

  17. Mitt Romney was America's better choice in 2012, and would win 2016 overwhelmingly. america is done with the Liberal mindset of the Democrat's. Who force feed you their version of good for you. While we starve and their elite friends get fat. Funny how they promised the moon and delivered the harpoon. This country is done with false profits of doom. Mitt Romney is a man of integrity and vision. And we be an outstanding President.

  18. There's just one problem: Romney is a liberal. He couldn't run against Obamacare because he imposed his version RomneyCare on people like me who still live under this crap. He has changed positions on more issues than almost any alleged Republican Conservative than I can think of. He is a decent man but he is also not honest about his positions.

