Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mike Huckabee: Evangelical Voters will Stay Home in Upcoming Elections if Social Issues are Ignored

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee warned if the Republican Party ignores social issues in the upcoming national elections, then evangelical voters will simply stay home. 
The evangelical vote in America has been a key ingredient in deciding who becomes the Republican nominee for president. Polling bears that out. 
Yet the social issues near and dear to the hearts of evangelicals are under attack within Republican circles.
A few years ago, former Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind., wanted to declare a truce on the hot button social issues. 
"All I was saying was we are going to need to unify all kinds of people. Freedom is going to need every friend it can get," he argued.
That's the line by some within the GOP who say that the only way the party can get more votes and win elections is by staying away from controversial social issues like abortion and gay marriage. 
But Huckabee, who's considering running for president in 2016, told CBN News that ditching these issues may cost the GOP evangelical votes.
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Huckabee;s comments below:

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Joel2014 said...

I have no problem with addressing social issues that are important to all of us as conservatives, I have a huge issue with someone telling our voters to stay at home rather than cast their vote of our nominee. In case people are wondering why I feel this individual will not win our nomination much less the presidency, this is why. Can you imagine a top-tier candidate openly calling on a group of voters to stay at home in upcoming elections if social issues are ignored, thus potentially sabotaging the results by handing the election to the opposition? A victory for the other side guarantees far more long term damage beyond social issues, etc. No one in their right mind would consider this a logical, much less winning strategy, right? Statements like this one are irresponsible and welcome by the opposition party because it tells them we haven't learned from the lessons of the past. They recognize we and are still our own worse enemy and can lose the election not because of their politics, but because of our own in-fighting. A decision to stay at home rather than cast our vote for our nominee is not an act of honor, it is an act of selfishness. It serve no other purpose than to turn the election in favor of the opposition. It is a losing strategy.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Joel. And Huck has a tendency to say the wrong thing a lot. Whether he runs or not, his misguided comments hurt us.


Ohio JOE said...

Well, at least he is not accusing the GOP of having a war on women Martha.

RomneyMan said...

" I have a huge issue with someone telling our voters to stay at home rather than cast their vote of our nominee. " and "Can you imagine a top-tier candidate openly calling on a group of voters to stay at home in upcoming elections"

Which of course he says neither- he merely states that if social issues are ignored, that *could lead* to the base staying at home. Want proof? Cast back your mind 18 or so months.

Anonymous said...

Huck is right as always. Too bad the moderates can't see.

Anonymous said...

Romneyman, I wish you'd get your bigot bone removed. It shows clear thru. Let me ask: ARe you getting paid for this? I mean, your so mean and ugly, it makes me wonder. Your soul must reek, from all the hate you have for some of a certain religion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too bad a couple bad apples have to ruin this site.


Anonymous said...

Romney Man is Craig for Huck, and various other Craig for ABR's. Been going on for YEARS NOW. and the only site that lets him post is RS.

He is a bigot of the first degree, it's the air he breathes. It's the single only reason he ever even like Huck, because he loved the way Huck played the religion card against Romney.

Romney man doesn't care about anything else. period.


Anonymous said...

F u c k off, Martha. -RomneyMan

Joel2014 said...

The battle cry of the ignorant continues. It's a cult, it's a cult, it's a cult. If that's the best one can offer as a counterpoint, then obviously one lacks the ability to communicate their thoughts without resorting to baseless accusations, etc. This is usually the preferred tactic for those who cannot defend their positions with conviction, choosing instead to reveal their true colors for all to see.

Joel2014 said...

Whether or not the comment with the expletive was or was not from the individual mentioned, it has no place in an open forum. Obviously someone needs to grow up, right?

Joel2014 said...

Mike Huckabee knew exactly what he was trying to communicate to his base. If you value social issues as an evangelical, then I am the candidate you should vote for. Not too difficult to decipher, is it? Only a fool believes he was merely inferring that people might stay home, he was calling on people to stay home. And sorry to burst one's bubble here, but Huckabee isn't always right, far from it. The good news is he has no prayer of winning the nomination.

Anonymous said...

Could win it all unlike Romney.

HUCK/RUBIO 2016 & 2020 :)

Anonymous said...

...even if hardcore Mormons stay home.

Anonymous said...

Gee, if a baptist runs, I just cant' vote for him/her. It's a CULT. See how stupid that sounds? I would, and I have voted for a baptist, catholic, etc. Unlike romneyman, who has so much hate, his life is a sad reminder of what could have been, had he kept his hand out of the offering plate.