Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Keystone Opponents vow to Begin Protesting and Civil Disobedience

Yeah...didn't quite get the BAD Environmental Report you were hoping for this 5th time around..huh? And hell..the pipeline would be a Job creater..can't have that for our work phobic members. Hey..there's always a chance for the 6th time
Environmentalists and other opponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline are ramping up their opposition to the project following the release Friday of a largely favorable State Department report -- vowing to hold vigils, jump into the November elections and even perform acts of civil disobedience. 
The report raising no major environmental concerns bolster the hopes of the oil industry, some union groups, congressional Republicans and others that President Obama will soon approve the $7 billion project, after a roughly five year wait.
They say the Canada-to-Texas pipeline will create tens of thousands of jobs and make the United States less dependent on foreign oil. 
However, within hours of the release of the report, opponents were pressing forward with a lawsuit to challenge the project, public protests and an effort to inject the issue into this fall’s elections.
Among the critics is a coalition of landowners and environmentalists that says there is still cause for denying a federal permit. 
And farmers and ranchers in Nebraska are planning to run for seats on a state board that regulates power stations that are needed along the project’s route. 
Meanwhile, national activists say they have recruited more than 75,000 volunteers willing to participate in civil disobedience, should Obama approve the project.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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