Friday, February 7, 2014

Democratic Lawmakers want the FCC to regulate the Internet

Democratic lawmakers in the nation’s Capitol are pushing to expand the Federal Communications Commission‘s authority over the Internet by restoring the commission’s so-called “net neutrality” rules struck down by a federal court in January. 
Democrats in the House and the Senate on Monday introduced the Open Internet Preservation Act of 2014, a bill aimed at reversing the D.C. Circuit Court‘s decision in January to repeal the FCC’s rules barring Internet service providers from blocking or slowing down lawful content and services.
The court’s decision left intact the FCC’s rule requiring Internet service providers to disclose how they manage Internet traffic, but both sides of the debate were left reeling over the implications of the decision’s impact on the agency’s regulatory authorities. 
Defenders of the FCC’s net neutrality rules claim the regulation preserves the First Amendment against Internet service providers, despite the First Amendment’s purpose as a check against government power.
Verizon, the plaintiff in the lawsuit, also framed its case as a First Amendment issue, however, by claiming the regulation — which dictated how ISPs manage their traffic — infringed on the company’s free speech since Internet service providers transmit content over their networks.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:


Of course Dems want the FCC to totally regulate the internet - just like it totally regulates the television and radio airwaves.

The latter has worked out LIKE A DREAM for Dems - see CBSNBCABCFOXCNN - and so would the former.

Just think of the possibilities - the FCC could mandate a half-dozen or so leftwing news & politics websites, one FAKE rightwing news & politics website, throw in a few HOUSE-TRAINED "conservative" pundits like Limbaugh, O'Reilly & Hannity for appearances sake, and call it a day.

Every other news & politics website, including Right Speak, would be quietly ELIMINATED behind the scenes.

The FCC has worked out soooooooooo well for free speech & freedom of the press on television & radio, I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE it'll work out just as well on the internet.

I can't wait!!!