Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Mitt Romney Movie sheds the Stuffy Image

On the day the official trailer for “Mitt”, a new documentary by Greg Whiteley, was released, it was number one on YouTube for the day, immediately garnering over a million views. The trailer opens on Mitt Romney the night of the 2012 election. It is becoming clear that he will not be the next president of the United States and he is visibly holding back tears of disappointment.
“By the way, someone have a number for the president?” he says with a good-natured laugh, “Hadn’t thought about that.” 
This documentary promises a totally different perspective on the man behind the carefully calculated and flawlessly cultivated public image that brought on nicknames like 'Mitbot.' The trailer shows him ironing the cuffs of a suit while he’s wearing it, and curling up with a blanket on the floor of the campaign bus.
The Washington Post declared, “Mitt Romney could’ve really used this Netflix documentary about him in 2012…In 138 seconds, Whiteley's trailer somehow manages to make Romney more of a real person than all the stumping he did.”..
Read the full story HERE and watch the trailer below:

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RomneyMan said...

Never mind, many on here said his campaign was faultless and *inspiring*, so it isn't a case, in their eyes, of 'why didn't they show stuff like this', as, in their eyes, the campaign was totally fine and *inspiring* anyway lol

Anonymous said...

Mr. Romney did not lose. America lost. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

He didn't lose this election it was stolen! The most voter fraud in history! President Romney has a nice ring to it! You have many,many admirers!

BOSMAN said...

I think with Romney..the tone was set early by the Conservatives in the media...I blame the Mark Levins..Rush Limbaughs..Laura Ingrahams..Bill Kristols for setting the tone. FROM DAY 1, they were picking apart everything he'd say.

...not conservative enough...Romneycare...blah..blah...blah..

then coming along after he was nominated and then saying how wonderful he was...

The Liberal media NEVER bashed Obama..Never said he wasn't liberal experience....Praise...Praise...Praise...from Day one.

They spent all their efforts helping the conservative talking heads bad mouth Romney...NOT THEIR CANDIDATE.

So when the general election campaign came...The seedling had already sprouted...and the liberal media continued to water it while the Conservative media CONTINUED to question everything Romney said and did.

THAT'S WHAT MADE ROMNEY's Image...So you can Thank Rush...Mark...Laura..Bill...etc...for setting the tone...The liberal media had lots of help....In my ever so humble opinion...

RomneyMan said...

"He didn't lose this election it was stolen! The most voter fraud in history! "


RomneyMan said...

Bosman's correct in his remarks above.

Unknown said...

This man has so much honor and dignity and I truly believe he should be our President. He got NO HELP from the "conservative" radio hosts or Fox News as they trashed him all the way thru the primary and gave him tepid support after that. This nation was robbed of one of it's greatest opportunities to have the best President ever! What could have been, can be again! Draft Romney 2016 #MittRomney

Anonymous said...

Mitt is da bomb!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Go Mitt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya Mitt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mitt is America's best hope!!!!

Anonymous said...

He still hasn't ruled out running in 2016!

Anonymous said...


I remember it was May or June 2012 and Levine was still dedicating his show to an all out assault on Romney. Levine never really stopped the criticism, either, just became a little more tepid till election.

Anonymous said...

The election was stolen!!!!!

Mitt 2016!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bosman, you're right, and we all saw it coming. It was maddening, but inevitable. The mix of self-interested media clowns with a small segment of voters who demand 100% purity from leaders make it impossible to elect anyone with a shot of winning.

Romney is heads and shoulders above nearly every other person you can think of in qualification, preparation, ability, intellect, and character. He proved it time and again. He just happened not to be perfect, so he was vilified.

I don't think Christie is particularly bright or all that committed to conservatism. He doesn't hold a candle to Mitt Romney, except he does have a lot more sheer political ambition. Romney had the ambition, but was not willing to sell his integrity, as Christie seems willing to do.

We are in a real fix.


Unknown said...

I supported Romney whole-heartedly. I also feel that the election was stolen due to voter fraud. Also, Mitt is such a nice guy and sometimes nice guys finish last. He really should have taken off the gloves and come out swinging harder on the issue of the evil coverup of Benghazi 9-11-12, as well as the corrupt back room payoffs of the likes of Solyndra and others. Also, most folks were unaware that ObamaCare is another payoff deal to the insurance companies, much like what was attempted with NixonCare on February 17+18 of 1971 as shown in the 90 second part starting at 5:20 of the YouTube video clip called "Obamacare; What you're not being told"

cimbri said...

The whole talk radio attitude was very strange (and internet outlets like c4p, right scoop, redstate, etc., which was the main reason I looked for and found Right Speak, I literally had to do a Google search for a reasonably fair right wing site). Romney was a conservative in 2008, and then somehow he became a moderate again by 2012. That forced him to move further right ('severe conservative' gaffe, etc). I really don't believe they wanted us to win then, or now. Hannity is the exception. He appears to be a loyal member of the right, and not just about money.