Saturday, January 4, 2014

Is there a Doctor in the House?

Well the answer is yes and in the Senate as well. And if Republicans get their way in 2014, they'll be more:
One candidate’s website shows her wearing blue scrubs as she reviews X-rays. Another shows a candidate with a stethoscope over his white coat. A third displays a photo of the doctor’s bag he uses for house calls. 
There is no mistaking what these candidates for Congress are trying to convey: Trust me. I’m a doctor.
List of current Doctors in Congress and their
This year, as Republicans make President Obama’s health care law their top campaign issue, physician-candidates have taken on new prominence, especially among Tea Party conservatives. More than 30 medical doctors are running for Congress, at least 24 of whom are Republicans. 
They argue that they are particularly credible critics of the law, front-line physicians who see the effects in their exam rooms. If enough of them prevail, they could push the number of physicians in Congress to the highest figure in at least 40 years.
It is unclear how closely they represent the broad views of their profession. Many doctors support the law, as does the American Medical Association. Still, many other physicians have individually expressed fear and skepticism about certain aspects of the law.   
“It’s like if you have a bridge collapse, who do you want to put it back together?” said Dr. Monica Wehby, a pediatric neurosurgeon in Portland, Ore., who resigned from the AMA board to seek the Republican nomination to run against Senator Jeff Merkley, a Democrat. “You’ve got to have people who know what they’re doing.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

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