Friday, January 3, 2014

Family Units aren't What they Used To Be

The family is not what it used to be, as my former American Enterprise Institute colleague Nick Schulz argues in his short AEI book “Home Economics: The Consequences of Changing Family Structure.” 
It’s a subject that many people are uncomfortable with. “Everyone either is or knows and has a deep personal connection to someone who is divorced, cohabiting, or gay,” Schulz writes. “Great numbers of people simply want to avoid awkward talk of what are seen as primarily personal issues or issues of individual morality.”
Nonetheless, it is an uncomfortable truth that children of divorce and children with unmarried parents tend to do much worse in life than children of two-parent families. 
As Schulz points out, that uncomfortable truth is not controversial among social scientists. It is affirmed by undoubted liberals such as Harvard’s David Ellwood and Christopher Jencks.
Growing up outside a two-parent family means not just lower incomes and less social mobility, Schulz argues. It also reduces human capital — “the knowledge, education, habits, willpower — all the internal stuff that is largely intangible a person has that helps produce an income.” 
While children are born with certain innate capacities, those capacities can be broadened or narrowed by their upbringing. The numbers indicate that single or divorced parents are unable, on average, to broaden those ­capacities as much as married parents can.
These differences have sharp implications for upward mobility. Schulz points to an Economic Mobility Project analysis showing that, among children who start off in the bottom third of the income distribution, only 26 percent with divorced parents move up, compared to 42 percent born to unmarried mothers (who may marry later, of course) and 50 percent who grow up with two married parents. 
All this matters more than it used to because two-parent families are much more uncommon. In 1960, about three-fourths of Americans 18 and over were married. In 2011, less than half were.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liberals are always saying everything is for the children. Oh, we have to leave a clean earth for THE CHILDREN!

Not so much when it comes to family matters, even when the damage from abortion, free sex, and one-parent families is obviously destroying us.

Plus, less and less people even want children nowadays! We should be encouraging marriage, and encouraging 2+ children for every couple! And we should offer incentives! Right now we are teetering on the line of viability in replacement birth rates. Ironically, the only reason we are as well off as we are is because of illegals having children here!

(If liberals stop having children, and conservatives have tons more, I think that would be marvelous.) lol
