Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sen Marco Rubio and Family Enroll in Obamacare

One of Obamacare's biggest critics is now officially covered under the federal health care exchange: Sen. Marco Rubio. 
"Senator Rubio spent time looking at all the options and decided to enroll through the D.C. exchange for coverage for him and his family," spokeswoman Brooke Sammon told the Buzz.
Rubio took the federal subsidy afforded to lawmakers and staff — a perk worth up to 75 percent of monthly premium costs — that some Republicans wanted to kill off. Some lawmakers who have enrolled in the exchange (The Washington Post is keeping a list) have rejected the taxpayer-funded employer contribution, which is far more generous than most workers get.
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Rubio's reasoning below:

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  1. Indeed, as he has said, he is only following the law- if the American People have to take ObamaCare, why shouldn't he? (Cruz too? lol)
    With regard to the subsidy- again he's stated that he's only following the protocol- give him a law to get rid of that aspect and he said that he'll happily vote ya on it.

  2. Nobody's forcing Rubio to accept the ObamaCare subsidy.

    He's free to return that money to the federal treasury, or better yet, to a well-deserving charity.

    Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

  3. bosman, Figure the odds of cruzzie signing up him and his family. They are special, don'tchaknow. His wife has a caddy plan worth around 40 k a year. Why give that up and be forced to be as we commoners are? Ellie.

  4. Mrs. Cruz EARNED that "caddy plan". I wish I could say the same about all those career politicians and bureaucrats in Washington.
