Saturday, December 14, 2013

Paul Ryan fires back at Marco Rubio's criticism: “Read the deal and get back to me”

Rep. Paul Ryan had a message Thursday for critics of his budget compromise, including Sen. Marco Rubio: Read the bill. 
Ryan was asked what he would say to the Florida Republican senator, who on Wednesday criticized the budget for making it harder for Americans to achieve the American dream. 
“Read the deal and get back to me,” Ryan said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday in response. “People are going to do what they need to do. In the minority, you don’t have the burden of governing, of getting things done.”
The Wisconsin Republican who is chairman of the House Budget Committee, said, things are different than in the Senate, where Republicans are the minority party. 
“If you’re in the minority, you don’t have to pass things. You don’t have to govern,” Ryan said. “We are in the majority here in the House. We’re one-third of the so-called power structure here in Washington, and we think it would be a bad idea to have two government shutdown scenarios in 2014.”
Read the rest of the story HERE and view Ryan's comments below:

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  1. Nice one-liner on Ryan's part. Of course the Bill was on the Fast Track.

    Rubio could have shot back, "I thought we had to pass the bill before we could see what was in it?"

  2. NOBODY CARES about the government "shutdown" that Paul Ryan is crying about, except DC Dems and RINOs like himself.

    The "shutdown" was a media manufactured "crisis" which the American people couldn't care less about, notwithstanding the phony push polls that tried to convince us otherwise.

    Ryan brags about "getting things done" in Washington, conveniently ignoring the fact that he's getting the WRONG things done, things that are taking our country in the WRONG direction.

    But what do you expect from a guy who has spent virtually his entire adult life in Washington feeding at the public trough, and surely intends to do so for as long as he possibly can.

    Ryan is obviously more interested in pandering to the big money "special" interests that fund his re-election campaign, than serving the voters who put him in office and pay his salary.

  3. Actually Cruzzie worshiper, many did care. Many were out of work in my town, because they work at the local AFB. They were not sure if they would have a paycheck, or even when. It caused a hell of a lot of grief. But that's OK with you, right? It's not OK, when people have to suffer from selfish motives like your hero had. Ellie.

  4. Ellie -

    My heart bleeds for you and your pals at the AFB.

    There's over 100 MILLION working age civilian Americans WITHOUT A JOB due to the socialist, globalist, tyrannical policies of DC Dems & RINOs.

    I've never heard you say a DAMN THING about that, but you want everyone else to throw a pity party for your local AFB.

    Welcome to the real world, except in the real world, furloughed workers do NOT get back pay like your AFB pals did.

    And don't kid yourself, they KNEW ALL ALONG that they would get back pay, because they've gotten back pay in every other government "shutdown".

    Cry me a river Ellie, build a bridge, and GTFOI.

  5. CC/NH/Rapist defender,

    I guess you don't read polls. Polls aren't real, right? But then, your only reality is what you want to be true, not facts on the ground.


  6. The Rs should have curtailed presidential power, when they had the Senate. Instead they increased it to help W wage his interventionist wars. So now, it comes back to bite us. The Rs at the federal level can do just what Ryan did and not much more.
