Tuesday, October 22, 2013

U.S. Immigration Coming Attractions? To Little..To Late..British Style

The British government said Friday it was considering whether to broaden an anti-illegal immigration campaign, which was criticized for being offensive. 
Earlier this year, in an initial week-long trial the government deployed two vans to drive around six areas of London for a week carrying a large billboard with the message "In the U.K. illegally? Go home or face arrest" in an effort to convince illegal immigrants to return to their home country voluntarily.
(Romas) Gypsies Congregating in London's Park Lane
The campaign stirred up a wave of opposition, with critics--including human rights groups and the main opposition Labour party--saying at the time the "go home" language echoed the racist slogans of the British ultra-nationalist National Front group of the 1970s. 
The government said Friday it was assessing the results off the pilot scheme and could deploy similar vans in other areas of the country if it was deemed to be successful.
Muslim demonstration banners saying Europe
is a Cancer and that Islam is the Cure.
It also defended its strategy of contacting foreign nationals suspected of being in the country illegally by mobile phone text message or email. Out of 58,800 people contacted between December and June, it had received 143 complaints of which 14 were found to be from people who received the message in error, it said. 
Immigration has surged from the late 1990s onward, particularly following the European Union's 2004 enlargement as many Eastern Europeans came to the U.K. to seek jobs. During the recent recession, concern about the scale of immigration returned to the fore in British political debate as jobs became scarce and the issue of access to state benefits for foreigners become a hot-button topic, with pressure growing on the government to limit new immigrant arrivals.
Read the Rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Again some basic issues are either not stated, or not know:

    1) "Immigration has surged from the late 1990s onward, particularly following the European Union's 2004 enlargement as many Eastern Europeans came to the U.K. to seek jobs. "

    There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can be done about EU Migration (immigration within the EU's 28 countries), whilst the UK (or any EU country) is an EU member. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING an employer in an EU country can do with regard to hiring people from their own country- an EU migrant from say Romania has JUST AS MUCH 'right' to a UK job as a UK resident has.

    2) "pressure growing on the government to limit new immigrant arrivals."

    a) Again, ABSOULTELY NOTHING can be done to curtail EU migration if a country is part of the EU. When the stupid Europe concept was constructed in the 1950s, it never envisaged mass movement. The initial EU countries were all fairly economically equal. As the 'project' has continued, more countries have entered with vastly weaker economic systems, hence the migration to 'richer' countries.
    Theoretically, non- EU immigration is supposed to be within the countries (UK say) remit, but stupid human right laws such as 'right to a family life' sees mass chain migration, in addition to many S.Asians having arranged
    marriages to someone from their heritage land.
    The Labour government from '97- '10 completely changed the fabric of society with regard to migrants in the UK, and it is irreversible.

    Check this stat out:
    1) There was more immigration into the UK from '97- '10 than there was from 1066- 1997!!

    2) 2066 is predicted to be the year that the UK turns 'minority white'. Never before, in the history of mankind has a country VOLUNTARILY became a minority within it's own boarders.

  2. Britain is Americas's LIVE ON-GOING STUDY on how looking the other way on ILLEGALS and no restrictions on Immigration from certain countries will lead you....NOW. THEY'RE PAYING THE PRICE...TOO LITTLE..TOO LATE.

    I've traveled to London for years on business AND PLEASURE..I used to Love going to that city...NOT ANYMORE. NOW only business brings me there.

  3. London is now minority white British, 46% by the '11 census. That's not minority white, it's a tad over 50% when you factor in white non-UK Europeans.
