Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Groups of Amnesty Activists Protest All Deportations of ILLEGALS

Frustrated by a lack of progress in Congress on immigration legislation, activists are demanding President Obama stop deporting all illegal immigrants -- not just those who arrived here as children. 
Only now, they're using new tactics, chaining themselves to buses, jails and federal buildings to persuade lawmakers to let them stay. 
In Tucson, Ariz., on Friday, protesters chained themselves to three buses that were deporting illegal immigrants as part of Operation Streamline, a program that prosecutes or deports every illegal immigrant caught at the border. The program is meant to prevent the revolving door that encourages illegal immigrants to re-enter the U.S. hours or days after their initial arrest near the same location.
"No one really sees what happens once people are picked up and how families are separated," said a Phoenix protester. "This is something that happens every day, and it's our mission to keep up the pressure because we're already at too many deportations, and how much longer until the Obama administration does something about this immigration crisis?" 
In Phoenix on Monday, 250 protesters also marched to the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters, though the office was closed due to Columbus Day.
Obama has said he doesn't favor a so-called "blanket amnesty" through executive action, but has instructed immigration control agencies not to break up families. Border Patrol sources tell Fox News it's no surprise, then, they're now seeing entire families -- not just young men -- busting the border in hopes of staying in the U.S. 
Opponents say the administration is sending the wrong message.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

Now if we could get 100 Buses and get these ILLEGALS (living in the shadows..yeh...right) to chain themselves together INSIDE THOSE BUSES heading south,......THAT would be a START and a project I could support.

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1 comment:

  1. The first thing I thought of when I read they were chaining themselves to buses was that THAT wouldn't have been a healthy choice if I had been one of the drivers.

    Now if we could get these ILLEGALS to chain themselves together INSIDE THOSE BUSES heading south,......THAT would be a START and a project I could fully support especially if they take some of their buddy amnesty activists along for a ONE-WAY ride.
