Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Obamacare Clitches Day 1: Where..What..and Why (10-01-13)

On the first day of enrollment for ObamaCare, technical glitches on federal and numerous state-run insurance exchanges are delaying and turning away Americans. 
The following is a round-up of the day-long reports of problems. 
Oct. 1: Washington: “Connection Refused” 
The state-run exchange in Washington state was not on the national radar for potential problems in recent days, but the site experienced hiccups on Tuesday and was still down by midday.
Visitors were greeted with the words “Connection Refused” on an otherwise blank, white screen. 
Oregon: Anticipated glitches materialized 
Oregon, which has one of country’s 16 state-based exchanges, warned residents that anything might happen Tuesday on the site and that they would need the assistance of an insurance agent or other third-party to enroll over the next several weeks. 
Sure enough, site visitors on Tuesday were told: “Online enrollment is coming soon! Sign up to receive an email notification when it's available.”
However, officials’ worst-case scenario that the site could “crash and burn” and they would have to close it down did not happen. 
Maryland: Four-hour delay 
Maryland, which also has a state-run exchange, had technical problems, too, causing a roughly four-hour delay. 
Like the federal government, Maryland had already delayed enrollment for small businesses. The new projected start date is early January, delaying coverage until March at the earliest, according to The Washington Post.
National: ObamaCare exchange site opens with error messages 
Many visitors to the official website for the federally run ObamaCare insurance exchanges were met Tuesday morning with an error message. The site was apparently overloaded with traffic but went live after about 11:30 a.m.
Read the rest HERE.

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RomneyMan said...

Glitch are just that- glitches.

You'll find that many a great 'thing' has had glitches along the way.


A huge programme expecting to be perfecto from day 1. Come on lol

The greatness that is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will prevail and enrich all.

Ohio JOE said...

They had 3 year to make sure that these gliches did not happen. There is no excuse.

Right Wingnut said...

This is just the sign up phase. The real fun hasn't begun yet.

Right Wingnut said...

I checked out the Minnesota plans. Anywhere from $600-$1100 per month for my family of four depending on whether I want a $6000 or $12,000 deductible.

Deductible is different than "out-of-pocket maximum," and is defined as:

"The deductible is the amount you owe for health care services your health insurance or plan covers before your health insurance or plan begins to pay. For example, if your deductible is $1000, your plan won’t pay anything until you’ve met your $1000 deductible for covered health care services subject to the deductible."

The poor, who will get subsidies to cover most or all of their premium, will still be subject to the deductibles! LOL! Good luck with that.

BOSMAN said...

These are only the 'cosmetic' Glitches that 'were' reported on DAY 1.

HIGH/WRONG COSTS OF PREMIUMS, HIGH COST OF DEDUCTIBLES, Certain items not covered, Folks LOSING JOBS/HOURS CUT...other HORROR STORIES will arise as this TRAIN WRECK leaves the station on it's journey to a single payer (socialized medicine) system.

Right Wingnut said...

And I DO NOT qualify for a subsidy. The only people who will be able to afford the premiums are the rich and the poor.

And there is NO WAY the poor will pay the bills subject to those enormous deductibles. So much for "free health care," eh? I'll bet most of those who are getting their premiums fully subsidized are too stupid to realize that it's not free. They'll soon find out when they start getting billed for services.

Anonymous said...

My question is how long is the media going to be able to cover Obama on this with a straight face? Sooner or later, the damn is going to burst.

How much of a shot do we really have to stop it? Is it inevitable that we are now on the road to single payer?


Anonymous said...

RW, yes. The high deductibles are going to make it impossible for most people.

I hope the young people just keep ignoring it, and don't sign up. I think I read 69% don't know a thing about it.


RomneyMan said...

Trust in the Affordable HealthCare act. All will be fine.

RomneyMan said...

"Is it inevitable that we are now on the road to single payer? "

With a bit of luck, yes.

Anonymous said...

Romneyman is Craig for Huck.


Ohio JOE said...

Please Martha, Craig for Huck was not a Romney supporter. Although, I do have to question if even Romneyman is even a Romney supporter.

Right Wingnut said...

Craig for Huck is a game player. Very well could be him.

RomneyMan said...

Apologies for not being a Mormon.

Anonymous said...

OJ, you know over at race, that Craig for Huck has been reincarnated about 50 times. he is currently RD.

Pretty much the only thing that really animates him is Mormonism, or Romney.

So I'm pretty sure it's him. He is like a parasite you can't get rid of.


Anonymous said...

And OJ, he hates Romney. That's the only thing he cares about it seems. That and making snide comments about Mormonism. So yeah, it's him.


RomneyMan said...

You may choose to throw rocks.

I will choose not to reciprocate.

And again, I apologise for not being a Mormon.

Anonymous said...

We just received notification that our current employer based plan is changing and that beginning in January we will have a different one. So much for "if you like your current plan, you can keep it." Another empty promise our bold-faced lie spoken by our current President.

Okay, now I am really suspicious. I don't think RM is even a citizen of the U.S. How many Americans spell program "programme"? We don't. That is something reserved for our British or Canadian cousins. Maybe RM is just an envy-filled Canadian come to gloat over the destruction of what was the greatest health care system in the world. Entitlement has been damaging it, but that will be as nothing now that the gov't has taken it over.


RomneyMan said...

lol, I also spell color as colour and say rubbish instead of junk and 'really' good instead of 'real' good.

= I read a lot.

RomneyMan said...

or trash* lol

RomneyMan said...

But again, I do apologize for not being a Mormon.

Right Wingnut said...

Hmmmm....I commented for the first time in over a year at Race last week, and that RD character made some smartass comment about me working for the DNC. Makes perfect sense now.

RomneyMan said...

What's Race?

RomneyMan said...

Maybe you do work for the DNC, being independent and all?

Right Wingnut said...

Independent as in to the RIGHT of the Republican Party at this point in time

RomneyMan said...

Whichever way the weather vain blows eh?

RomneyMan said...

Trust in ObamaCare to provide first class healthcare for ALL, including those with pre existings, those wanting to leave their jobs but fearful of losing their insurance (hop into the exchanges) and the vulnerable.

There has got to be more to life than crusading to stop people getting healthcare.

Right Wingnut said...

I'm actually in line with the planks of the Republcian Party platform as written, but most of our elected officials are not. Sure, they talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, they just do what's politically expedient. It's always been that way, but I've was far too accepting of the games until about 4 1/2 years ago....

Right Wingnut said...

I use to be a Republican. I am now a conservative. Sounds cliche, but there's no better way to put it.

Anonymous said...

RomneyMan and Craig. Both are:

presumably jobless, posting all day long every day,

hateful about Romney

hateful about Mormons

liberals, posting on (semi-related) conservative sites,

taunting personas.

Now, I can't say that I have actually read RomneyMan, I usually ignore him, as I do Craig over at race. So I don't know if the writing is similar.



Anonymous said...

I'm reading that Paul Ryan is heavily involved in House strategy. If so, and we are successful with the CR and the debt ceiling, he's going to the top of my 2016 list.


RomneyMan said...

"RomneyMan and Craig. Both are:

presumably jobless, posting all day long every day,

hateful about Romney

hateful about Mormons

liberals, posting on (semi-related) conservative sites,

taunting personas.

Now, I can't say that I have actually read RomneyMan, I usually ignore him, as I do Craig over at race. So I don't know if the writing is similar."


RomneyMan said...

Let us dissect Martha's latest *gem* shall we:

Note first that she writes: "Now, I can't say that I have actually read RomneyMan"

After alleging that RomneyMan :

"presumably jobless, posting all day long every day,

hateful about Romney

hateful about Mormons

liberals, posting on (semi-related) conservative sites,

taunting personas."

[Each point incorrect of course]

Recall: ""Now, I can't say that I have actually read RomneyMan"

lol, I wish it could be that good at ascertaining someone's character without actually "I can't say that I have actually read RomneyMan"


Anonymous said...

RomneyMan, yes of course I have read enough to know you. But honestly, I try to avoid your comments, and I usually do, as I do Craig at Race. You guys just take up space, nothing more.


RomneyMan said...

I apologize again for not being a Mormon.

RomneyMan said...

"I'm reading that Paul Ryan is heavily involved in House strategy. If so, and we are successful with the CR and the debt ceiling, he's going to the top of my 2016 list."

lol, okay have chat to him about this if you get the chance:

and this whilst you're there:

and this for an encore:

Right Wingnut said...

Yes, RomneyMan is Craig for Losers. Not hard to figure out now! Man, you had a fooled for a long time. You're good!

RD comments in this thread sound just like RomneyMan:

Right Wingnut said...

Here too:


Right Wingnut said...

RM aka Craig, So, who are you looking at for 2016, now that Schmuck has seemingly left elective politics for good?

RomneyMan said...

Whoever the craig dude says obviously.

Ohio JOE said...

Perhaps, RM is Dostan, some say that Craig for Huck and Dostan are one and the same, but As I pointed out, Dostan is Jewish and Craig is Lutheran. The thought crossed my mind that he is Craig from Geogia (not Craig for Huck) because he tried so hard to promote Mr. Romney during the primary and then he disapeared after Mr. Romney clinched the nomination. RM has similar political opinion as Craig from Georgia, but they do have different personas.

Anonymous said...

OJ, I remember Dotan being a lot more intelligent than RW or Craig. lol

I don't remember RM being here during the primaries, but his name is only to mock Romney. He's never been a supporter. I actually don't know what he is, other than obnoxious.


Ohio JOE said...

No, RM was not here in the primaries, but Craig from Georgia was (if I recall.)

Anonymous said...

Just fort the record, I read a lot, too. My vocabulary is extensive, but I lack affectation. Any American who uses colour, rubbish, whilst, and programme, is either affected by a superiority complex, our crazy. I'm thinking the latter.

My entire family have extensive vocabularies. My children all read extensively, and are often accused by their friends of being walking dictionaries, which in the texting, social networking generation is quite a feat, I think.


RomneyMan said...

"OJ, I remember Dotan being a lot more intelligent than RW or Craig. lol

I don't remember RM being here during the primaries, but his name is only to mock Romney. He's never been a supporter. I actually don't know what he is, other than obnoxious.


lol, that craig the huh guy was on here y;day I think.

Said some interesting stories about you getting multiple bannings over the years on that race site or whatever it's called, due to ripping up on politican's family members.
Very classy.

RomneyMan said...

"Just fort the record, I read a lot, too. My vocabulary is extensive, but I lack affectation. Any American who uses colour, rubbish, whilst, and programme, is either affected by a superiority complex, our crazy. I'm thinking the latter.

My entire family have extensive vocabularies. My children all read extensively, and are often accused by their friends of being walking dictionaries, which in the texting, social networking generation is quite a feat, I think."

And *I* think you need to get out more.

Anonymous said...

RM, nothing like giving yourself away. lol

Well, at least you were honest for a second. ha ha.


Right Wingnut said...

No way is RM Craig from Georgia. He was an old man who has much better things to do than pretend to be a Romney supporter. They don't even sound the same.

The evidence is now overwhelming. It's Craig for Huck. Look at the recent threads at Race and the chatbox on this site. He's all but admitted it.